14483 | | Algeria (DZ) | Algeria (DZ) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 25/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14470 | | American Samoa (AS) | American Samoa (AS) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 28/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14283 | | American Samoa (AS) | | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | Technical products and pharmaceutical material; Rendered products; Crocodile skins and hides; Shells | 18/03/2022 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings. 10/06/2021 - References to export legislation have been updated. 23/11/2020 - This page was migrated from the previous Micor system.
14497 | | Argentina (AR) | Argentina (AR) | | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/04/2023 - Page first published.
14491 | | Bahrain (BH) | Bahrain (BH) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Tunicates; Gastropods | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14477 | | Bangladesh (BD) | Bangladesh (BD) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14569 | | Barbados (BB) | Barbados (BB) | | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14571 | | Bolivia (BO) | Bolivia (BO) | | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14570 | | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) | | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14465 | | Brazil (BR) | Brazil (BR) | | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 21/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14475 | | Brunei Darussalam (BN) | Brunei Darussalam (BN) | Finfish; Tunicates; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Bivalves | | 11/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14493 | | Cambodia (KH) | Cambodia (KH) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/04/2023 - Page first published.
14496 | | Cameroon (CM) | Cameroon (CM) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/04/2023 - Page first published.
14593 | | Canada (CA) | Canada (CA) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 03/01/2024 - Updated information on Automated Import Reference System (section 1.4). 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 06/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14499 | | Chile (CL) | Chile (CL) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/04/2023 - Page first published.
14598 | | China (CN) | China (CN) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crocodile; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 20/12/2024 - Updated establishment listing requirements (section 1.2). 21/06/2024 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14501 | | Christmas Island (CX) | Christmas Island (CX) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14507 | | Congo, the Democratic Republic of the (CD) | Congo, Democratic Republic of the (CD) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14508 | | Cook Islands (CK) | Cook Islands (CK) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14509 | | Dominican Republic (DO) | Dominican Republic (DO) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14510 | | Ecuador (EC) | Ecuador (EC) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14484 | | Egypt (EG) | Egypt (EG) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 15/09/2023 - Updated expiration period for frozen fish (section 3.6). 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 25/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14456 | | European Union (EU) | European Union (EU) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | Animal feed | 15/01/2025 - Updated information for exporters who are non-manufacturers and TRACES information (sections 1.2 and 6). 02/08/2024 - Updated information on TRACES (section 6). 20/06/2024 - Updated operational requirements for food additives (section 2.3). 16/11/2022 - Page first published on Micor.
14479 | | Fiji (FJ) | Fiji (FJ) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 31/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14582 | | French Polynesia (PF) | French Polynesia (PF) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crocodile; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 03/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14511 | | Ghana (GH) | Ghana (GH) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14567 | | Guam (GU) | Guam (GU) | Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 24/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14513 | | Haiti (HT) | Haiti (HT) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14469 | | Hong Kong (HK) | Hong Kong (HK) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crocodile; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 28/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14515 | | Iceland (IS) | Iceland (IS) | | | 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14580 | | India (IN) | India (IN) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 11/01/2024 - Updated rectifiable labelling information (section 3.5). 20/10/2023 - Updated changes in live fish importation to India (sections 1.3, 1.4, 3.1 and 6.1). 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 20/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14462 | | Indonesia (ID) | Indonesia (ID) | Finfish; Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 04/10/2024 - Added alert on New prior notice requirements (from 6 October 2024) and Halal law implementation (from 17 October 2024). 26/03/2024 - Updated documentation requirements for new health certificate template FXIN04 (section 6.1 and 6.2). 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 14/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14517 | | Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) | Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14518 | | Iraq (IQ) | Iraq (IQ) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 01/05/2023 - Page first published.
14595 | | Israel (IL) | Israel (IL) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 16/08/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14520 | | Ivory Coast (CI) | Côte d'Ivoire (CI) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14463 | | Japan (JP) | Japan (JP) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | Animal feed | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 14/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14575 | | Jordan (JO) | Jordan (JO) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Finfish; Tunicates | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14527 | | Kiribati (KI) | Kiribati (KI) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14528 | | Kuwait (KW) | Kuwait (KW) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14485 | | Lebanon (LB) | Lebanon (LB) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 26/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14476 | | Macau | Macau (MO) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14490 | | Malaysia (MY) | Malaysia (MY) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crocodile; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 28/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14487 | | Maldives (MV) | Maldives (MV) | Bivalves; Crustaceans; Cephalopods; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 26/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14573 | | Marshall Islands (MH) | Marshall Islands (MH) | Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14529 | | Mauritius (MU) | Mauritius (MU) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14566 | | Mexico (MX) | Mexico (MX) | Finfish; Crustaceans | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 24/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14559 | | Micronesia (FM) | Micronesia, Federated States of (FM) | | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 10/05/2023 - Page first published.
14572 | | Morocco (MA) | Morocco (MA) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Finfish; Gastropods; Echinoderms | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14530 | | Mozambique (MZ) | Mozambique (MZ) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14531 | | Myanmar (MM) | Myanmar (MM) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14536 | | Namibia (NA) | Namibia (NA) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14482 | | Nauru (NR) | Nauru (NR) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 21/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14578 | | Nepal (NP) | Nepal (NP) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14478 | | New Caledonia (NC) | New Caledonia (NC) | Finfish; Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 10/01/2024 - Updated establishment listing and operational requirements (sections 1.2 and 2.3). 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/07/2023 - Updated certificate information for crocodile (section 6.3). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14454 | | New Zealand (NZ) | New Zealand (NZ) | Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates; Crocodile; Finfish | Animal feed | 22/10/2024 - Updates for commencement of paperless electronic certification (eCert) for the export of fish feed products to New Zealand. Refer to MAA2453. 23/02/2024 - Revised export requirements for animal feed of aquatic origin to New Zealand. 28/09/2023 - Major review of all content. 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 12/09/2022 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14486 | | Nigeria (NG) | Nigeria (NG) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 26/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14537 | | Norfolk Island (NF) | Norfolk Island (NF) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 02/05/2023 - Page first published.
14564 | | Northern Mariana Islands (MP) | Northern Mariana Islands (MP) | Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 24/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14574 | | Oman (OM) | Oman (OM) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14538 | | Pakistan (PK) | Pakistan (PK) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 03/05/2023 - Page first published.
14467 | | Palau (PW) | Palau (PW) | Finfish; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 27/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14466 | | Papua New Guinea (PG) | Papua New Guinea (PG) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 24/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14540 | | Peru (PE) | Peru (PE) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 03/05/2023 - Page first published.
14481 | | Philippines (PH) | Philippines (PH) | Bivalves; Crocodile; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 14/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14563 | | Puerto Rico (PR) | Puerto Rico (PR) | Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 23/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14576 | | Qatar (QA) | Qatar (QA) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14464 | | Korea, Republic of (KR) | Korea, Republic of (KR) | | | 10/02/2025 - Updated overseas listing information (section 1.2). 31/01/2025 - Updated documentation requirements and link to residue limits (sections 2.2 and 6). 03/01/2025 - Updated overseas listing information (section 1.2). 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 20/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14583 | | Russian Federation (RU) | Russian Federation (RU) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 03/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14550 | | Samoa (WS) | Samoa (WS) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 04/05/2023 - Page first published.
14474 | | Saudi Arabia (SA) | Saudi Arabia (SA) | Finfish; Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 08/01/2024 - Updated live fish import procedure information (sections 1.2 and 5.1). 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14551 | | Serbia (RS) | Serbia (RS) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 05/05/2023 - Page first published.
14552 | | Seychelles (SC) | Seychelles (SC) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 05/05/2023 - Page first published.
14581 | | Singapore (SG) | Singapore (SG) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crocodile; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14553 | | Slovenia (SI) | Slovenia (SI) | | | 08/05/2023 - Page first published.
14554 | | Solomon Islands (SB) | Solomon Islands (SB) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 08/05/2023 - Page first published.
14579 | | South Africa (ZA) | South Africa (ZA) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14472 | | Sri Lanka (LK) | Sri Lanka (LK) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14555 | | Sudan (SD) | Sudan (SD) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 09/05/2023 - Page first published.
14585 | | Syria (SY) | Syrian Arab Republic (SY) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 05/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14489 | | Taiwan (TW) | Taiwan (TW) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 16/09/2024 - Updated overseas listing information (section 1.2). 20/10/2023 - Updated endorsement for wild caught abalone (section 6.1). 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 26/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14561 | | Tanzania (TZ) | Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 10/05/2023 - Page first published.
14565 | | Thailand (TH) | Thailand (TH) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 24/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14468 | | Timor Leste (TL) | Timor-Leste (TL) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 14/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 28/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform with standard Micor fish headings.
14556 | | Tonga (TO) | Tonga (TO) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 09/05/2023 - Page first published.
14577 | | Türkiye (TR) | Turkey (TR) | | | 07/06/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14557 | | Tuvalu (TV) | Tuvalu (TV) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 10/05/2023 - Page first published.
14584 | | Ukraine (UA) | Ukraine (UA) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 03/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14473 | | United Arab Emirates (AE) | United Arab Emirates (AE) | Finfish; Bivalves; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Cephalopods; Tunicates | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 30/03/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14597 | | United Kingdom (GB) | United Kingdom (GB) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | Animal feed; Technical products and pharmaceutical material; Rendered products; Shells | 15/01/2025 - Added information for exporters who are non-manufacturers (section 1.2). 11/04/2024 - Information on DEFRA low risk products (section 6.2). 04/04/2024 - Page first published.
14568 | | United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM) | United States Minor Outlying Islands (UM) | Finfish; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 31/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14471 | | United States Of America (US) | United States of America (US) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 04/04/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14562 | | Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) | Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI) | Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 23/05/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.
14558 | | Vanuatu (VU) | Vanuatu (VU) | | | 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 10/05/2023 - Page first published.
14594 | | Vietnam (VN) | Vietnam (VN) | Bivalves; Cephalopods; Crustaceans; Echinoderms; Finfish; Gastropods; Tunicates | | 08/01/2024 - Updated overseas listing requirements (section 1.2). 24/10/2023 - Update to eligible live seafood species list (sections 1.3 and 1.4). 29/08/2023 - Updated residue statement to refer to importing country standards (section 2.2). 10/07/2023 - Content on this page may have changed location to conform to standard Fish headings.