Non-prescribed goods

Philippines (PH)

Unless specified within the commodity list below or on the corresponding Meat, Fish, Dairy or Eggs Micor page, the Department is unaware of any specific requirement for inedible non-prescribed goods that are for export to Philippines (PH).

Edible processed goods

Edible apiculture products

Other edible Non-prescribed goods


  • There are no products to show.

Inedible apiculture products

  • There are no products to show.

Other inedible Non-prescribed goods

  • There are no products to show.

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Edible apiculture productsPhilippines (PH)Edible apiculture products
Edible processed goodsPhilippines (PH)Edible processed goods
Highly processed plant productsPhilippines (PH)Edible processed goods
Vitamins and supplementsPhilippines (PH)Other edible Non-prescribed goods