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Non-prescribed goods

New Zealand

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General conditions

1. General conditions for edible non-prescribed goods

1.1. Prohibited

Unless specified within the commodity list below, the Department is unaware of any prohibited edible non-prescribed goods* for export to New Zealand.

1.2. Conditions

Compliance with domestic requirements. Under the terms of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (PDF 60 KB), there is no requirement for an export certificate for edible non prescribed products*.

The exporter should confirm whether a manufacturer's declaration is required by confirming through their importer, or if needed the government authority of New Zealand.

*Importing country requirements for some non-prescribed goods that contain meat, fish, dairy or egg products and animal by-products are covered on the relevant meat, dairy, fish or egg pages in Micor. You should check for importing country requirements there.

2. General conditions for inedible non-prescribed goods

2.1 Prohibited

Unless specified within the commodity list below, the Department is unaware of any prohibited inedible non-prescribed goods* for export to New Zealand.

2.2 Conditions

Compliance with relevant Australian domestic requirements. The Department is not aware of any requirement for certification for inedible non-prescribed goods* for export to New Zealand.

*Importing country requirements for some non-prescribed goods that contain meat, fish, dairy or egg products and animal by-products are covered on the relevant meat, dairy, fish or egg pages in Micor. You should check for importing country requirements there.

Specific goods

Apiculture products

1. Preconditions for market access

Apiculture products are prohibited from export to New Zealand.

2. Documentation requirements

3. Other requirements

4. Exemptions granted by importing country

Edible crocodile meat powder

1. Preconditions for market access

1.1 Import permit

Exporters must be in possession of a valid permit to import animal products into New Zealand (NZ), issued by the Ministry for Primary Industries, NZ. This permit includes special conditions, applicable to the product.

1.2 Establishment registration

The raw materials (crocodile meat) must be sourced from a departmental export registered establishment.

2. Documentation requirements

2.1 Government certification

For the export of edible crocodile meat powder, use certificate EX238 with the following endorsements:

  1. The meat was derived from crocodiles farmed and slaughtered in Australia. Registered establishment number(s): [enter applicable number]
  2. The products are derived from farmed crocodiles of Australian origin and processed in accordance with the Australian Standards for Hygienic Production of Crocodile Meat for Human Consumption:  [enter applicable number]
  3. The products are sound and fit for human consumption.​

“The consignment is forwarded in accordance with M.P.I. permit No: [enter applicable number]”

3. Other requirements

Exporters must provide the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) certification. This certificate is issued by the Department of Agricu​lture, Fisheries and Forestry and includes conditions and statements, applicable to the product.

4. Exemptions granted by importing country

Latest updates

28/02/2023 - Added section on 'Edible crocodile meat powder' under 'Specific goods'.
03/06/2021 - Updated link to Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (PDF)
Last updated: 30/03/2023 10:35 PMCreated: 17/08/2020 9:32 AM