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​​​​​​​Certification alert: HPAI related market access and certification impacts

A High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (H7N8) outbreak has been confirmed in Victoria in February 2025, with a Declared Area in place. As a result, the export certification for some poultry and ratite meat, meat products, rendered meals, pet food, eggs and egg products may be affected for Australian product.​

The Department will be issuing regular Market Access Advices (MAAs) to advise exporters of relevant trade developments and the status of export certification. Exporters are advised to refer to the latest MAAs for the most up-to-date information.

Exporters are also advised to confirm with their importer or the importing country’s relevant authority that they meet the importing country requirements.

​For all enquiries or to obtain a copy of the latest Market Access Advice, please email​.

Exporters are reminded that it is an offence to provide false or misleading information to the Australian Government.​

[expand all]

1. General conditions

2. Preconditions for market access

3. Documentation requirements

4. Other requirements

5. Exemptions

Latest updates

03/06/2024 - Added High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza certification alert.
21/12/2023 - New case created.
Last updated: 3/06/2024 1:46 PMCreated: 21/12/2023 11:05 AM