Micor (meat) sets out importing country requirements that must be met to gain market access for edible and inedible meat, meat products and animal by-products. Relevant
Australian standards are set out in ELMER 3.
Micor (meat) also sets out importing country documentation requirements.
Meat export establishments must be export-registered and comply with
Australian standards and Australian monitoring programs such as the
National Residue Survey (NRS) and National Carcase Microbiology Monitoring Program (formerly known as ESAM) .
The Department encourages all exporters to contact officials from the country of import, either through the importer or directly, to confirm that their product meets the current importing country requirements. Exporters should seek other sources of information on commercial specifications for meat imported into a specific country.
For information on how to export from Australia, visit
Exporting from Australia.
You need to
login to access Micor (meat). Exporters and affiliated industries can
apply for a login.
The Department
The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is referred to as 'the Department' in Micor. In the same way references to 'a Departmental officer', unless specified otherwise, mean an officer of the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry with responsibilities under Australian export legislation.
Market Access Advices
See a list of Market Access Advices (MAA) (PDF 695 KB |DOCX 145 KB).