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Live animals

Sheep semen


Uruguay (UY)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements. Additional information to assist exporters with how to prepare reproductive material for export is available on the Department’s website.

An import permit is required.

Contact the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries for information about the process required to import reproductive material from Australia into Uruguay.

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

Health certification

As importing country health requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the import permit and/or the country’s website carefully at the time of preparation for export.

Prospective exporters of reproductive material to Uruguay should confirm the import health conditions from the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries and provide these with a National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) certified 2/3 level English translation to the relevant Departmental regional office at the time of NOI submission.

Health certificate

I, Dr ………………………………, a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that:

  1. Australia has official WOAH freedom from:

    1. 1) Foot and mouth disease without vaccination
    2. 2) Peste des petits ruminants (PPR)
    3. 3) Rinderpest
    4. 4) Brucellosis (B. abortus and B. melitensis)
    5. 5) Caprine contagious pleuropneumonia
    6. 6) Contagious agalactia
    7. 7) Enzootic abortion of ewes
    8. 8) Maedi visna
    9. 9) Nairobi sheep disease
    10. 10) Rift Valley Fever
    11. 11) Scrapie
    12. 12) Sheep and goat pox
    13. 13) Tuberculosis (M. bovis)
    14. 14) Vesicular stomatitis
    15. 15) ​Pulmonary adenomatosis

  2. No cases of Schmallenberg disease have been recorded in Aus​tralia.

  3. As far as Foot-and-Mouth Disease is concerned:

    1. 3.1 The semen donors did not show any clinical signs of FMD neither on the semen collection date nor for the following thirty (30) days,
    2. 3.2 and have remained in a country or zone that is FMD-free without vaccination for at least three (3) months before the semen collection date.

  4. In relation to Scrapie:

    1. ​4.1 The semen donors and their direct predecessors were born and raised in Australia or in any other country having the same health status as far as Scrapie is concerned.


  1. The Semen Collection and Processing Centre (SCPC) is registered, approved and supervised by the Veterinary Authority in Australia.

  2. Semen was collected and processed under the supervision of the authorised SCPC veterinarian.

  3. The SCPC did not record any disease that may be transmitted by semen during the last sixty (60) days preceding the first semen collection date.


  1. Semen donors were born and raised in Australia or have remained in Australia until the semen has been collected, or else be in compliance with the requirements set out in Section 9 below.

  2. In the case of imported donors, these remained in the exporting country for the last sixty (60) days before semen collection and come from a country with the same or better hygiene conditions.

  3. The donors have remained on sites, including the SCPC, where there have not been any reported cases of:

    1. 10.1 Lentivirus (caprine arthritis encephalitis) for the last three (3) years before the semen collection date;

    2. 10.2 Q fever for the last twelve (12) months before the semen collection date;

    3. 10.3 Ovine Epididymitis (B. ovis) (for sheep only), Paratuberculosis and Blue Tongue Disease, for the last six (6) months before the semen collection date.

  4. Donors were kept in isolation and monitored by the SCPC authorised veterinarian for a minimum of thirty (30) days before entering their accommodation at the SCPC semen collection facilities. Only healthy donors that tested negative to established diagnostic tests entered the SCPC.

  5. Donors were not used for natural service throughout their stay at the SCPC, including the period mentioned above.

  6. Donors were monitored by the official veterinarian or the SCPC authorised veterinarian, and were free from any clinical manifestation of any semen-transmissible disease for a minimum period of thirty (30) days after semen collection.


  1. Donors of semen exported underwent diagnostic tests and tested negative for the diseases noted below during the isolation period preceding their entry into the SCPC for semen collection purposes and every six (6) months whilst they remained there:

    1. 14.1 OVINE EPIDIDIMITIS (B.ovis​) (sheep only): Complement fixation or ELISA.

  2. ​​In relation to Blue Tongue Disease, donors:

    1. ​​15.1 Showed no clinical signs of bluetongue on the day of collection and were kept in a zone free from bluetongue for at least 60 days before commencement of, and during, collection of the semen; or

    2. 15.2 the donor males showed no clinical sign of bluetongue on the day of collection; And

      1. 15.2.1. were subjected to a serological test to detect antibodies to the BTV group, with negative results, between 28 and 60 days after each collection for this consignment; Or

      2. 15.2.2. were subjected to an agent identification test on blood samples collected at commencement and conclusion of, and at least every 7 days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (PCR test) during, semen collection for this consignment, with negative results.

  3. In relation to caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) (Goats only):

    1. 16.1 The donor animals were negative to an ELISA test or agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test conducted between thirty (30) and 60 (sixty) days after the last collection for export.


  1. Semen was collected, processed and stored in accordance with the recommendations set out in the relevant chapter of the Terrestrial Code.

  2. Whenever milk, egg yolk or any other animal protein was used in preparing the semen diluent, the product was free of pathogens or sterilised; milk heat-treated at 92°C for 3-5 minutes, eggs from SPF flocks when available. When egg yolk was used, it was separated from eggs using aseptic techniques. Alternatively, commercial egg yolk prepared for human consumption or egg yolk treated by, for example, pasteurisation or irradiation to reduce bacterial contamination, was used. Other additives were also sterilized before use as per WOAH article 4.6.7.

  3. If milk is used for semen processing purposes, it is from a country or zone that has been officially recognised by the WOAH as FMD-free with or without vaccination.

  4. The semen was adequately conditioned and stored in clean and disinfected or unused cryogenic containers, with the semen straws being individually identified, including the collection date. Straws shall be under the responsibility of the authorised SCPC veterinarian until the time of shipment.

  5. The semen to be exported was only stored with other semen from equivalent hygiene conditions, and the liquid nitrogen used in the frozen semen container has not been used before.

  6. The semen was exported once thirty (30) days had elapsed from the collection date. No clinical evidence of any transmissible disease was recorded in the SCPC or in the donors during such period.


  1. The cryogenic container with the semen to be exported was sealed before exiting the SCPC. Sealing was supervised by the SCPC-authorized vet or the SCPC Official Veterinarian.

Seal number: _______________________________________

Place of Issue: _______________________________________



  1. Name and Address of the centre for collection and processing of semen (SCPC):

  2. SCPC registration number: _______________________________________

  3. Regarding the donor animal(s):
    *Straws must be permanently and indelibly marked with the SCPC identification and donor registration numbers, and also indicate the pertinent code or collection date.​
    Donor animal / DadorBreedDate of collectionNo. of dosesStraw identification*
    NameReg No.
  4. ​Number of cryogenic containers (in numbers and letters): _______________________________________

  5. Means of transport: _______________________________________

  6. Point of departure from Australia: _______________________________________


​ (*) Cross out anything that does not apply.
OVINE EPIDIDIMITIS (B. ovis) (sheep only):Complement fixation or ELISA
Blue Tongue DiseaseAGID/ELISA/PCR
Caprine Arthritis and EncephalitisAGID/ELISA

Other requirements

Centre veterinarian declaration

A declaration by the centre veterinarian is required for this export.

This template (DOCX 54 KB​ | PDF 291 KB) provides the format for the Centre Veterinarian Declaration (CVD) for the export of ovine and caprine semen to Uruguay.

Basis for Micor Entry

Based on health conditions agreed in February 2023.

Entry last reviewed 25 February 2025.​

Latest updates

26/02/2025 - Change to health certificate to include caprine arthritis encephalitis testing for goats.
22/03/2023 - Extensive changes were made to all sections of this entry.
Last updated: 26/02/2025 1:55 PMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:40 PM