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Live animals



Timor-Leste (TL)

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Transport requirements

1. The vehicle and crates or boxes for the transport of animals to the
port/airport of export must be cleaned and disinfected prior to loading
of the animals.

2. During transport to the port of export the animals must have no contact
with animals not of the same health status.

3. The compartment of the aircraft or vessel to be occupied by the animals
and all removable equipment, penning and containers including loading
ramps must be satisfactorily cleaned and disinfected prior to loading.

4. The vehicles and crates or boxes for the transport of the animals to
the port of export must be cleaned and disinfected with a suitable
disinfectant prior to the loading of the animals.

5. All animals must be consigned directly to East Timor.

6. The design of the containers, the recommended species requirements,
the preparation for transport and the disinfection of the interior
of the aircraft or vessel, removable equipment, penning and containers
must be in accordance with OIE Code recommendations and International
Air Transport Association (IATA) Live Animal Regulation unless
otherwise agreed by East Timor quarantine.

7. The use of hay or straw as bedding during transport by air is not
permitted: treated wood shavings; sterilised peat and soft board may be used.

Protocol last negotiated

March 2004

Port of entry requirements

All imported animals must undergo a post-arrival quarantine (PAQ) on premises approved by
East Timor quarantine under the supervision of an Official Veterinarian, for a minimum
period of 14 days. During PAQ animals may be subjected to any other testing or treatment
prescribed by East Timor quarantine at the importer’s expense.

If any animal fails a test or shows signs of disease, that animal and any or all other
animals in th PAQ premises may be detained in quarantine for further testing and/or
observation or exported at the importer’s expense, or destroyed without recompense.

Special conditions

1. It is the responsibility of the importer or importer's agent to arrange
for the provision of any health certification or testing additional
to that required by East Timor quarantine. The importer or agent must
nominate a person who can be contacted by SQTL quarantine officers and
who will be responsible for ensuring that all import requirements are

2. The importer may be charged for services provided by the East Timor
Government will not compensate the importer or agent for any losses
incurred while the animals intended for importation are under
quarantine control.

PLEASE NOTE: No fumigation or treatment facilities presently exist in East Timor. If insect infestations are found in the consignment, destruction or re-export may be the only options available.

Latest updates

Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:33 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:38 PM