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Live animals

Sheep semen


South Africa (ZA)

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Permit requirements

Interested exporters should contact the Republic of South Africa (RSA) to obtain a valid import permit and current health certification conditions.

Contact details of RSA

Private Bag X138, Pretoria, 0001
Delpen Building, c/o Annie Botha and Union Streets, Riviera, 0084
Enquiries: Tel +27 12 319 7514/7632/7633/7503/7500/7406/7461/7510
Fax: +27 12 329 8292 / 012 319 7644

Import health conditions are issued on the import permit.

Previously issued conditions are included below for reference; however, exporters should note that these are subject to change and you need to contact RSA for an import permit

Health certification

 *SUBJECT TO CHANGE - contact RSA for current conditions

  1. Australia is officially free from:
    • Scrapie
    • Maedi‑Visna
    • Brucella abortus and
    • Brucella melitensis
  2. The animals from which the semen is  derived were born and raised in New Zealand or Australia 
  3. The donor(s) originate(s) from a flock into which no sheep born outside Australia/New Zealand were introduced during the last five (5) years;
  4. The flock of origin of the donor(s) has no contact with any other flocks not complying with the conditions above;
  5. The said flock is under official veterinary supervision and no case of Maedi‑Visna and Johne's disease have occurred in the flock during the past five (5) years;
  6. The donor(s) is/are not under quarantine or restrictions for any disease and has a satisfactory health status in respect of caseous lymphadenitis; sheep pox; epididymides; brucella infection and contagious skin diseases;
  7. The premises from which the donor(s) originate and the approved semen collection centre where the donor(s) are kept are at least twenty (20) kms removed from any place where foot-and-mouth disease has occurred during the previous six (6) months;
  8. The donor(s) has/have been resident at the approved collection centre for at least 60 days prior to collection of semen and have been examined within twenty-one (21) days prior to collection of semen and found to be clinically healthy, free from external parasites, infectious and contagious diseases;
  9. The donor(s) have been tested for the following diseases, within 30 days of semen collection, with negative results:

    9.1 Maedi Visna: Australia is officially certified free from Maedi Visna.

    9.2 Johne's Disease: ELISA or CFT
    Test Date: xx           Test Result: xx 

    9.3 Brucella ovis:  CFT
    Test Date: xx           Test Result: xx
    Australia is officially certified free from Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis.

    9.4 Leptospirosis: serum agglutination test
    Test Date: xx           Test Result: xx

    9.5 Q-fever:  CFT
    Test Date: xx           Test Result: xx

    9.6 A test against ovine pestivirus anitigen
    Test Date: xx           Test Result: xx
  10. The donor(s) have passed with negative results, a microscopical examination of the semen for brucella organisms, tested on the xxxx.  In addition, the semen was found to be of good quality, with limited abnormalities. 
  11. The semen was collected, handled and stored in identified straws in fresh liquid nitrogen in a sterilised flask, which is kept under official veterinary supervision until direct export by air, to South Africa.  Semen collection was executed strictly in accordance with the OIE Animal Health Code App. for small ruminant semen.
  12. Description of consignment:

    12.1 Identification:

    Name/no: xx
    Breed and Reg No: xx
    Owner name and address: xx
    Date of Birth: xx
    Name and Address of Semen Collection Centre: xx
    Period of residency: date to date
    Semen Collected on: xx
    Number of doses Certified: xx
    Identification/Markings on Straws: xx  

    12.2 Consignment Description:

    Consignor: xx
    Consignee:  xx
    Total Number of Straws: xx
    Serial Number of Shipping Tank: xx
    Taper Proof Seal Number on Tank: xx
    Means of Transport/Flight Number: xx

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Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:31 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:35 PM