Samoa (WS)
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Importing country requirements
It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements. Additional information to assist exporters with how to prepare reproductive material for export is available on the
Department’s website.
An import permit is required.
Contact the
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries for information about the process required to import animals into Samoa from Australia.
- Email
- Note
- Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
Health requirements
Health certification
As importing country health requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the import permit and/or the country’s website carefully at the time of preparation for export.
Health certificate
I, Dr ………………………………, a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that:
- Animal Health Declaration
- 1.1. Australia is free from bovine brucellosis (Brucella abortus and
B. melitensis), bovine spongiform encephalopathy, bovine tuberculosis (Mycobacterium bovis), bovine viral diarrhea virus type 2, bovine herpes virus 1.1, 1.2a, contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. Mycoides), foot-and- mouth disease (without vaccination), lumpy skin disease, rabies virus and Rift Valley fever.
The Australian Government issues certification for country freedom from exotic diseases based on notification by the Australian Chief Veterinary Officer to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).
- Semen Collection and Processing Centre
- 2.1. The semen was collected from animals that have been kept in a semen collection centre (SCC) approved and supervised by the Department of Agriculture for export.
- 2.2. The semen to be exported has been collected, handled and processed at a facility in accordance with the current World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Terrestrial Animal Health Code under the supervision of a veterinarian designated for this purpose by the Department of Agriculture.
- 2.3. The semen collection centre (SCC) is regularly audited at intervals of no more than 12 months.
The Australian Government issues certification based on centre approval which is reliant upon successful annual audit by the department.
- Donor males
- 3.1. Were born in and are continuously residing in Australia.
- 3.2. Originated from farms with no reported or suspected cases for 6 months prior to the entry into the collection centre of:
Brucella suis
- Q fever
- Leptospirosis
- Listeriosis
- Salmonellosis
- Malignant catarrhal fever
- Bovine ephemeral fever
- Toxoplasmosis
- Paratuberculosis
- 3.3. During the 28 days prior to collection of germplasm for export to Samoa, the donors were not corralled, pastured, or held with animals that were not of equal health status and under any restrictions which would have made them ineligible for export to Samoa.
- 3.4. There were no pigs present on the property during the period the bull was residing at the SCC.
The Australian Government issues certification of establishment (including collection centre) status for notifiable diseases based on certification provided by state and territory governments of “no officially reported cases” for the specified disease for the specified period prior to export. For non- notifiable diseases the Australian Government issues certification based on a declaration provided by the Centre Veterinarian.
The Australian Government issues certification based on a declaration from the manager of the SCC that no pigs were present on the property during the period the bull was residing at the SCC.
- 3.5. The donor animals were examined regularly by the semen collection centre (SCC) veterinarian and there was no evidence of clinical signs of WOAH listed diseases transmissible by semen throughout their residence in the SCC, and including the day/s of semen collection.
The Centre Veterinarian provides a declaration that no clinical signs of disease were noted at the time of collection.
- Testing
- 4.1. All testing was performed in a National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) accredited laboratory (if applicable).
The Australian Government issues certification based on the test results being generated from a laboratory that is NATA to ISO/IEC 17025 accredited.
- 4.2.
Bluetongue: The donor male/s were
- 4.2.1. Kept in a bluetongue virus (BTV) free zone for at least 60 days before commencement of, and during, collection of semen;
The Australian Government provides certification based on declarations provided by state and territory governments that the property is located in a region where there has been no report of the relevant notifiable diseases in the relevant time period and were situated in the Australian Bluetongue Virus Transmission-Free Zone.
- 4.2.2. Subjected to a serological test according to the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Terrestrial Manual to detect antibodies to the BTV group, with negative results, at least every sixty days throughout the collection period and between 21 and 60 days after the final collection for this consignment;
- 4.2.3. Subjected, with negative results, to an agent identification test on blood samples collected at commencement and conclusion of, and at least every 7 days (virus isolation test) or at least every 28 days (PCR test) during, semen collection for this consignment;
- 4.2.4. Were negative to a virus isolation test on an aliquot of frozen semen from each collection for export.
* Strike out the options that do not apply
The Australian Government issues certification based on testing records, laboratory results and a declaration by the centre veterinarian.
- 4.3.
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV)
Prior to entering pre-entry isolation testing:
- 4.3.1. The donor has been subjected to a virus isolation test or a test for virus antigen, with negative results;
- 4.3.2. A serological test to determine the serological status of every animal.
Testing in the Pre-entry isolation facility prior to entering the semen collection facilities:
- 4.3.3. The animal has been subjected to a virus isolation test or a test for virus antigen, with negative results. Only when all the animals in pre-entry isolation have had negative results, may they enter the semen collection facilities.
- 4.3.4. All animals have been subjected to a serological test to determine the presence or absence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) antibodies.
- 4.3.5. Only if no seroconversion occurs in the animals which are tested seronegative before entry into the pre-entry isolation facility, may they (seronegative or seropositive) be allowed entry into the semen collection facilities.
- 4.3.6. If seroconversion occurs, all the animals that remain seronegative should be kept in pre-entry isolation until there is no more seroconversion in the group for a period of three weeks. Serologically positive animals may be allowed entry into the semen collection facilities.
Testing programme for bulls and teasers resident in the semen collection facilities:
- 4.3.7. Animals are negative to previous serological tests and have been retested to confirm absence of antibodies.
- 4.3.8. If an animal becomes serologically positive, every ejaculate of that animal collected since the last negative test shall be either discarded or tested for virus with negative results.
- 4.3.9. Testing for BVD prior to the initial dispatch of semen from each serologically positive bull: Prior to the initial dispatch of semen from bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) serologically positive bull, a semen sample from each animal shall be subjected to a virus isolation or virus antigen test for bovine viral diarrhoea. In the event of a positive result, the bull shall be removed from the centre and all the semen collected from it be destroyed.
The Australian Government issues certification based on testing records, laboratory results and a declaration by the centre veterinarian.
- 4.4.
Enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL)
- 4.4.1. The semen donor was resident at the time of semen collection at a semen collection centre which only accepts EBL negative donors, and tests all donors at least annually;
- 4.4.2. The semen donor was subjected to a diagnostic test (AGID or ELISA) for EBL on blood samples on two occasions with negative results, the first test being carried out at least 30 days before semen collection and the second test at least 21 days after semen collection;
- 4.4.3. An aliquot of not less than 0.5mL of processed semen from the final collection of each donor for this consignment was tested by a virus isolation test or a PCR test with negative results;
- 4.4.4 If an aliquot of not less than 0.5mL of processed semen from the final collection of each donor for this consignment tested positive on PCR it was then subjected to testing by virus isolation with negative results.
* Strike out the options that do not apply
The Australian Government issues certification based on testing records, laboratory results and a declaration by the centre veterinarian.
- 4.5. Tritrichomonas foetus and bovine genital campylobacteriosis
- 4.5.1. The collection centre has a program aligned with the WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code, to prevent animals infected with Campylobacter fetus subspecies venerealis and Tritrichomonas foetus from entering the collection herd, and there have been no cases reported in the centre 1 year prior to collection;
- 4.5.2. The donor has had at least one culture of semen or preputial specimens as per WOAH methodology in the 6 months prior to collection, and all cultures conducted in the 6 months prior to collection have been negative.
* Strike out the options that do not apply
The Australian Government issues certification based on testing records, laboratory results and a declaration by the centre veterinarian.
- 4.6.
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IBR/IPV)
- All the donor bulls/teasers maintained at the semen collection centre are tested at least yearly with negative results (if maintained in an IBR/IPV free herd) – by ELISA, SNT, VI, or PCR;
- The donor animals were kept in an IBR/IPV free herd at the time of collection of the semen;
- 4.6.2. The donor animals were held in isolation during the period of collection and for the 30 days following collection and were subjected to a diagnostic test for IBR/IPV on a blood sample taken at least 21 days after collection of the semen, with negative results;
- 4.6.3. If the serological status of the bull is unknown or if the bull is serologically positive, an aliquot of each semen collection was subjected to a virus isolation test or PCR, performed in accordance with the current WOAH Terrestrial Manual, with negative results.
* Strike out the options that do not apply
The Australian Government issues certification based on testing records, laboratory results and a declaration by the centre veterinarian.
- 4.7.
Mycoplasma bovis
- 4.7.1. Each batch of semen for export to Samoa was tested using the DNA extraction and PCR methodology described in Appendix 1.
- Storage and Transport
- 5.1. The semen straws/vials were only stored with other semen or embryos of equivalent health status.
- 5.2. The transport container in which the semen is to be transported to Samoa is new or disinfected* and is free of contamination.
- *If the transport container has been disinfected:
- i) Disinfectant (active chemical) _______________
- ii) Date of disinfection_______________________
- 5.3. All transport containers in which the semen is to be transported to Samoa, were sealed under the supervision of an authorised officer of the Australian Government, using tamper-evident seals that are positioned to ensure that no semen straws/vials can be added after the transport container has been sealed.
- Where the semen straws/vials are transferred from one transport container to another:
- i) Date of transfer ___________________________________________
- ii) Name of approved collection centre/herd ______________________
- iii) Reason for transfer ________________________________________
- iv) Name of veterinarian involved in the transfer ___________________
- 5.4. Where an antibiotic or mixture of antibiotics was added to the semen, the following antibiotic mixture of antibiotics has been added to the semen after final dilution, or is contained in the used semen diluents: __________________________________________________________________
The Australian Government issues certification based on a declaration from the Centre Veterinarian. In addition to the tank certificate and current storage approval.
Tank Serial Number: XXXXXXXXXX
Seal Number: XXXXXX
Name an approval number of SCC:
| |
Bull Identification:
| |
Registration No
| |
Breed: | |
Dates of residence at SCC
| |
PEI: |
Bull Code/s: | |
Date of Collection |
No. of Straws |
Health testing |
Test Type |
Date(s) |
Result |
dd/mm/yyyy | #### | BVD/MD | Ab: VNT/ELISA | dd/mm/yyyy | |
dd/mm/yyyy | #### | Ag: VI/PACE/PCR | dd/mm/yyyy | |
dd/mm/yyyy | #### | Ag: Semen PCR/VI
| dd/mm/yyyy | |
dd/mm/yyyy | #### | IBR/IPV | Ab: VNT/ELISA | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| | Ag: VI/PCR | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| | Ag: Semen PCR/VI | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| |
C. fetus sbsp venerealis | Culture | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| |
Tritrichomonas foetus | Culture | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| | Bluetongue | ELISA/VI/PCR | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| | Semen VI | dd/mm/yyyy | |
Total straws: |
| EBL | AGID/ELISA | dd/mm/yyyy | |
Semen PCR/VI | dd/mm/yyyy | |
| | Mycoplasma Bovis | Semen PCR | dd/mm/yyyy | |
Straw Identification:
Other requirements
Centre veterinarian declaration
A declaration by the centre veterinarian is required for this export.
This template (DOCX 51 KB |
PDF 327 KB) provides the format for the Centre Veterinarian Declaration (CVD) for the export of bovine semen to Samoa.
- Note
- Appendix 1 of the CVD attachment contains the required Mycoplasma bovis DNA extraction and PCR methodology
Basis for Micor entry
Based on health conditions agreed in August 2024.
Entry last reviewed 25 September 2024.
Latest updates
29/01/2025 - Page first published.