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Live animals

Poultry day olds and hatching eggs


New Caledonia (NC)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

An import permit and health certificate are required.

Contact the New Caledonian Department of Veterinary, Food and Rural Affairs (DAVAR) for information about the process required to import animals into New Caledonia from Australia.

Animal Quarantine
37, subdivision KSI
BP M2 - 98849
Nouméa Cedex

Refer to this and the Department’s websites for current information about exporting animals (including any suspensions).

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
These conditions relate to hens, turkeys, ducks and geese.

Health requirements

As importing country requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the import permit and/or the country website carefully at the time of preparation for export.

Certifying officers must review the import permit(s) and conditions provided by the exporter and ensure that the issued document(s) are consistent with the permit(s).

Health certificate

I the undersigned, ____________________________________, being an Official Government Veterinarian in the country of export do hereby certify with respect to the hatching eggs/animals identified above, that:

Je soussigné, ____________________________________, vétérinaire officiel du gouvernement, certifie, pour ce qui concerne les œufs embryonnés / animaux décrits ci-dessus que:

1. Australia is free from duck hepatitis, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Newcastle disease as defined in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code and the animals for export are not vaccinated against Newcastle disease, however may have antibodies to Newcastle disease due to vaccination of the source flock.

L'Australie est indemne d'hépatite virale du canard, d'influenza aviaire hautement pathogène et de maladie de Newcastle selon les termes du code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres de l'OIE et les animaux ne sont pas eux-mêmes vaccinés contre la maladie de Newcastle, cependant ils peuvent avoir des anticorps contre la maladie de Newcastle du fait de la vaccination des parentaux.

The Department issues certification for country freedom based on advice obtained from the Australian Chief Veterinary Officer to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE).

The Department issues certification for vaccination status based on a declaration from the registered veterinarian(s) responsible for monitoring the farm and/or hatcheries poultry health system that the animals were not vaccinated for Newcastle disease.

2. The farms and hatcheries have remained free from clinical signs and any other evidence of the following diseases for a period of at least six months prior to the date of export: highly pathogenic avian influenza, Newcastle disease, salmonellosis including Fowl typhoid and pullorum disease (Salmonella pullorum, S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium, S. arizonae, S. gallinarum), mycoplasmosis (M. gallisepticum, M. meleagridis, M. synoviae), avian chlamydiosis, avian tuberculosis, fowl cholera, fowl pox, avian infectious laryngotracheitis, avian infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease), Marek's disease, infectious avian encephalomyelitis, histomonas, haemorrhagic enteritis virus, reticuloendotheliosis virus and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.

And, for turkeys only, turkey coronavirus,

And, for ducks only, duck hepatitis,

And, for geese only, Derszy disease (goose viral hepatitis).

Les exploitations et couvoirs sont restés indemnes de signes cliniques et de toute autre évidence des maladies suivantes pendant une période d'au moins six mois précédant la date de départ : influenza aviaire hautement pathogène, maladie de Newcastle, salmonelloses y compris la pullorose/typhose aviaire (S.pullorum, S.enteritidis, S.typhimurium, S.arizonae, S.gallinarum), mycoplasmose (M. gallisepticum, M.meleagridis M.synoviae), chlamydiose aviaire, tuberculose aviaire, choléra aviaire, variole aviaire, laryngotrachéite infectieuse aviaire, bronchite infectieuse aviaire, maladie de Gumboro (bursite infectieuse), maladie de Marek, encéphalomyélite infectieuse aviaire, histomonose, entérite hémorragique, réticuloendothéliose et pseudotuberculose.

Et, seulement pour les dindes, entérite transmissible de la dinde (à coronavirus),

Et, seulement pour les canards, entérite virale du canard,

Et, seulement pour les oies, maladie de Derszy (hépatite virale de l'oie).

Delete if not applicable / Rayer la mention inutile

The Department issues certification based on:

  • For notifiable diseases, a declaration from the State or Territory Veterinary authorities of no reports in the farms or hatcheries of the relevant notifiable diseases that affect the species being exported for a period of six months prior to the date of export.
  • A declaration from the registered veterinarian(s) responsible for monitoring the farm and/or hatcheries poultry health system that the farms and hatcheries have remained free from clinical signs and any other evidence of the diseases listed above for a period of six months prior to the date of export.

3. The source flock was examined by a registered veterinarian within 72 hours prior to export and was found to be free from clinical signs of infectious diseases.

Dans les 72 heures précédant l'exportation, l'élevage et le couvoir d'origine ont été examinés par un vétérinaire officiel et ont été trouvés indemnes de tout signe clinique de maladies infectieuses.

The Department issues certification based on a declaration from a registered veterinarian who examined the birds within 72 hours of export.

4. For vaccinated day old poultries, name of vaccine must be mentioned:

Pour les lots vaccinés, le nom des vaccins doit être mentionné:_____________________________________________

Delete if not applicable / Rayer la mention inutile                                                      

Where vaccination of day old poultry is conducted, the Department issues certification based on a Declaration from the registered veterinarian(s) responsible for monitoring the farm and/or hatcheries poultry health system providing the name and type of vaccination and the date it was administered.

5. For day old poultry, during the incubation period, only eggs originating from farms free of clinical signs of Salmonellosis and diseases of species as mentioned above have been placed into the incubator, after disinfection of eggs and of the incubator according to a method approved by the veterinary authority and by O.I.E.

Pour les oiseaux d'un jour, durant la période d'incubation, seuls les oeufs provenant d'exploitations indemnes de tout signe de présence de Salmonellose et des maladies de l'espèce considérée mentionnées ci-dessus ont été placés dans l'incubateur, après désinfection des oeufs, du matériel et des locaux selon une méthode agréée par les autorités vétérinaires et approuvée par l'O.I.E.

Name of the product used / Nom du produit de désinfection utilisé:________________

The Department issues certification for day old poultry based on:

  • a declaration from the exporter that only eggs originating from farms free of clinical signs of Salmonellosis and the relevant diseases listed in attestation 2 above have been placed into the incubator and that the eggs and incubator were disinfected according to a method approved by the Department and by the OIE.  The declaration must include details of the disinfection technique (eg fumigated with formaldehyde gas in accordance with the OIE recommendations; or using an agent approved by the Department, for example Virkon or equivalent).

6. Hatching eggs covered by this certificate have been disinfected according to a method approved by the veterinary authority and by O.I.E.

Les œufs à couver objets de ce certificat ont été désinfectés selon une méthode agréée par les autorités vétérinaires et approuvée par l'O.I.E.

Name of the product used / Nom du produit de désinfection utilisé:________________

The Department issues certification for hatching eggs based on:

  • a declaration from the exporter that the hatching eggs have been disinfected according to a method approved by the Department and by the OIE.  The declaration must include details of the disinfection technique (eg fumigated with formaldehyde gas in accordance with the OIE recommendations; or using an agent approved by the Department, for example Virkon or equivalent).

7. Farms and hatcheries of origin comply with the requirements outlined in the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code and are under the supervision of a registered veterinarian. Under Australian legislation, notifiable diseases are reported to State veterinary authorities as required by Australian legislation.

Les exploitations d'origine sont conformes aux règles du Code de l'OIE pour les animaux terrestres et sont sous la surveillance d'un vétérinaire agréé. Les maladies à déclaration obligatoire sont notifiées aux autorités vétérinaires, tel que prévu dans la législation australienne.

The farms and hatcheries of origin must have been inspected/audited by the Department within the past 12 months to demonstrate compliance with chapters 6.4 and 6.5 of the OIE code. The Department issues certification based on the most recent approval certificate from the Department.

8. The packing material used for the transportation of the day old chicks is new.

Le matériel utilisé pour le transport des poussins d'un jour est neuf.

The Department issues certification based on a declaration from the exporter that the packing material used for the transportation of the day-old chicks is new.

Attachment 1

Animals identification / Identification des animaux

Race / Breed: ____________________________

Hatch date (for day old chicks) / Date déclosion (pour les poussins d'un jour):___________________

Date(s) of collection (for hatching eggs) / Date(s) de collecte (pour les œufs à couver): _____________

Origin of animals / Provenance des animaux

Animals original farm(s) / Elevage(s) d'origine des animaux: _____________________________

Date and place of embarkation / Date et lieu d'embarquement:  _____________________________

Transport / Transport

Type and identification of transport / Nature et identification du moyen de transport: ________________

Special conditions

Permission to move birds out of Australia

You may need permission under wildlife trade laws to move birds out of Australia. Refer to the Department’s International wildlife trade requirements. There is specific guidance for non-commercial wildlife trade for public exhibition, scientific research, conservation breeding and personal use.


Other requirements

Transport requirements

The importing country may have specific transport requirements and you should check this.

Pre and post arrival quarantine requirements

The importing country may have specific pre and post arrival quarantine requirements and you should check this.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on conditions agreed in August 2017 and importing country website.

Entry last reviewed 16 November 2021.

Latest updates

Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:51 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:50 PM