It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.
Contact the
Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) for information about the process required to import animals into Japan from Australia.
- Note
- Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
Health certification
The health certificate below applies to racehorses returning to Japan from Australia after participating in the International Horserace in Australia.
"Exported racehorse" means a racehorse (including a training partner horse) exported to Japan from Listed Countries only for the purpose of participating in international horserace, not staying in Japan more than 60 days (duration from the day of release from the import animal quarantine to the previous day of the export quarantine), and leaving Japan immediately after racing.
"Returning racehorse" means a racehorse which returns to Japan after participating in international horserace and staying in Listed Countries for 90 days or less.
"International racehorse" means an exported racehorse and a returning racehorse.
Health certificate
I, Dr ………………………………, a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that:
Name | Year of Birth | Sex | Breed/Species | Marks and Description/ Microchip
| | | | |
Graphic identifications attached.
- Australia has been free from: vesicular stomatitis, African horse sickness, horse pox, equine encephalomyelitis (all types other than Japanese encephalitis), equine influenza, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis, equine paratyphoid (Salmonella abortus equi), contagious equine metritis, rabies, equine piroplasmosis and equine trypanosomiasis.
- There has been no clinical, microbiological and serological evidence of equine infectious anaemia, equine viral arteritis, equine morbillivirus pneumonia, equine rhinopneumonitis and Japanese encephalitis in the facilities in which the returned racehorse has been stabled in Australia (herein referred to as 'the facilities') during the 60 days immediately prior to shipment of the returned racehorse to Japan.
Address of the facilities:
- The returned racehorses were examined for the following diseases by the corresponding tests with negative results within 30 days immediately prior to shipment to Japan:
- Equine infectious anaemia – agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test
Date of testing: DD/MM/YYYY - Equine viral arteritis – serum neutralisation test (negative at a serum dilution of 1:4)
Date of testing: DD/MM/YYYY - Equine influenza – RT-PCR (within 5 days of shipment)
Date of testing: DD/MM/YYYY
- The returned racehorse has had no contact with any horse not of the same certified health status other than participation in horse races in Australia.
- The returned racehorse has shown no signs of any equine infectious diseases through careful inspections during embarkation-quarantine (not less than 5 days) before shipment to Japan conducted by the government authorities of Australia.
- The returned racehorse has been vaccinated against equine influenza and Japanese encephalitis. In the case of returned racehorses that have been vaccinated against both diseases in Japan and returned during the term of the validity, it is not necessary to vaccinate again.
Equine influenza – date of vaccination: DD/MM/YYYY
Japanese encephalitis – date of vaccination: DD/MM/YYYY
- All containers, land vehicles and loading place of the aircraft which were used for transportation of the returned racehorse were fully cleaned and disinfected under the supervision of government authorities with disinfectants approved as appropriate by the government authorities of Australia.