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Live animals



Cook Islands (CK)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

The animal must be accompanied by an import permit. An import permit may be obtained from:

A form to apply for an import permit and for information about the process required to import animals into the Cook Islands can be found on the Cook Islands' Government's website for Biosecurity — register & forms.

The permit is valid for 6 months from date of issue and is valid for one consignment.

The importation into the Cook Islands of certain breeds of dog may be prohibited by the Cook Island Police. Registration may be a requirement of import. You should check with the police about any current prohibitions and requirements.

Note: Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

Health certification

Prospective exporters of dogs to the Cook Islands from Australia should review any import permit that they receive and ensure that it does not require the Australian Government to certify that:

In the period of five years preceding export, Australia has been free from: Ehrlichia canis.

Since 2 June 2020, the Australian Government has not been able to certify freedom from Ehrlichia canis due to detected cases in Western Australia.

Prospective exporters should seek a dispensation from the authority of the Cook Islands from the Ehrlichia canis requirement, or a revised import permit that does not include this requirement. For further advice about this issue, please contact the Department's regional office in the Australian state or territory from where the dog was due to be exported.

Health certificate


I …………………………., being a full time Government Veterinary Officer of the exporting country hereby certify that:

  1. 1. after due enquiry I have no reason to doubt the truth of the owner's/exporter's declaration attached;
  2. 2. I have identified the dog described as follows on (date)
    • -  Breed
    • -  Sex
    • -  Age (years/months)
    • -  Description (including colour)
  3. 3. The dog described above was:
    1. a)  Vaccinated against distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus infection on (date);

      NOTE: This date must be at least one month and not more than three months prior to export.
    2. b)  at least seventeen weeks of age at the time of the parvovirus vaccination;
    3. c)  treated for Hydatid tapeworm with praziquantel (Droncit) at a dose rate of 5mg/kg within three days of departure;
    4. d)  Treated with an anthelmintic effective against roundworms and whipworms within three days of departure;
    5. e)  Washed twice with an effective insecticide solution at a seven-day interval, the last being within three days of departure;
    6. f)  Examined within three days of departure and found to be free of clinical signs of disease and free of all ectoparasites (especially ticks);
  4. 4. No bedding of cereal or animal origin is accompanying this dog;
  5. 5. In the period of five years preceding export, Australia has been free from:
    • -  rabies
    • -  Ehrlichia canis [note that since 2 June 2020, the Australian Government has not been able to certify freedom from Ehrlichia canis due to detected cases in Western Australia]

SIGNATURE ……………………………………………………  DATE ………………………………………

Name and address: ……………………………………………..……………………………………………..

NOTE 1: A separate declaration must be completed for each animal being exported.
NOTE 2: All pages are to be endorsed with the organisation's official stamp.


I, ………………………….. (BLOCK LETTERS), the owner/ exporter* of the dog described as follows:




Description (including colour):

declare that:

  1. a) During the 30-day period immediately preceding the date of export the dog has been free from symptoms of disease and has not been in contact with any animal displaying symptoms of disease;
  2. b) The dog has resided in the country of embarkation for at least six months prior to export, or since birth if less than six months of age;
  3. c) The dog will be at least four months of age on the date of export.

SIGNATURE: ……………………………………………………………… DATE: ……………………………
(Owner/ Exporter)*

ADDRESS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

*Delete whichever is not applicable.

NOTE: A separate declaration must be completed for each animal being exported.

Special conditions

  1. A permit to import animals from Australia to the Cook Islands must be obtained from the Director of Biosecurity Service, Ministry of Agriculture.
  2. Each animal must be accompanied by a signed Statutory Declaration from the exporter.
  3. Each animal must be accompanied by the International Animal Health Certificate signed by an official veterinary officer of the exporting country.
  4. Before unloading on arrival the documents required in sections 1 and 2 above must be presented to a Biosecurity Officer of the Ministry of Agriculture, Cook Islands.
  5. The animal must be consigned to the Cook Islands by air only as manifested cargo. In the event the animal is to transit through another country, the dog must not be off loaded.
  6. The actual date of embarkation and the airline/flight number must be advised to the Biosecurity Officer, Ministry of Agriculture, Cook Islands (telephone (682) 28710, email: at the earliest opportunity and at least one working day before shipping.
  7. The animal must be transported in accordance with the recommendations for the Transport of Live Animals of the Office International des Epizooties (OIE) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) live Animal Regulations as appropriate. Trans-shipment or offloading is permissible only in New Zealand. In such circumstances the animals must remain in their cages and within the confines of the airport.
  8. The animal will be inspected and treated as necessary on arrival in the Cook Islands by a Biosecurity Officer and may not leave the quarantine area of the port of entry until a Permit to Land has been issued.
  9. Any animal imported into the Cook Islands in contravention of any conditions of the Permit to Land (of which these conditions form a part) will be seized and may be destroyed or re-exported at the owner's expense.
  10. The Import Permit is valid only for the importation/s specified. Any change in details or circumstances must be notified immediately to the Director of Biosecurity, who may endorse the Permit to Land accordingly.
  11. This Import Permit may be cancelled at any time before shipment should the animal health and quarantine status of the exporting country change.

Other requirements

Transport requirements

No bedding of cereal or animal origin must accompany the dog.

Port-of-entry requirements

  1. Animal must be accompanied by all documentation as required in the conditions of importation.
  2. Animals must be examined by an Inspector of the Cook Islands' Ministry of Agriculture and found suitable for importation.
  3. A permit to land will only be issued subject to the conditions of importation being complied with.

Return to australia

If your animal is returning to Australia, you should make yourself familiar with Australia's requirements for importing live animals into Australia. This is important as your animal may have been exposed to diseases that do not occur in Australia.

Basis for micor entry

Entry reflects recent import permit requirements.

Entry last reviewed 9 June 2020.

Latest updates

Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:41 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:44 PM