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Live animals

Fish ornamental and breeding


China (CN)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

An import permit is required must be provided to the Department. If the import permit is in a language other than English, a certified English translation by a NAATI 2/3 level translator or equivalent must also be provided.

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
It is also the exporter’s responsibility to ensure they register their establishment with the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC). This is a requirement under Chinese legislation. Exporters who are not registered should contact the Department about this process. New exporters will not be eligible to export to China until after this registration has been completed and their details are published on GACC website.

Health requirements

The import health conditions / health certificate for this commodity are not agreed.

As importing country requirements may change without advice to the Department, prospective exporters should satisfy themselves, through their importers, that the import health conditions for their consignment are as set out below.

Health certification

I, Dr ……………………………………………….., a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that the live aquatic animals described above:

  1. Were sourced from a certified farm with regulation and monitoring.

  2. The source farm was monitored for relevant disease in accordance with the relevant WOAH standards, and was not associated with any significant infectious diseases or pests and where there has not been any unusual mortality events during the 6 months prior to export for which the cause could not be confirmed.

  3. Were held in isolation and inspected within 2 days of export and were free from clinical signs of infectious or contagious disease.

The containers used for transporting the live aquatic animals in this consignment where either new or have been cleaned and disinfected prior to use.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on conditions sourced from previously issued import permits.

Entry last reviewed 6 January 2025.

Latest updates

10/01/2025 - Extensive changes were made to all sections of this entry.
Last updated: 10/01/2025 1:31 PMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:43 PM