For commercial consignments, a permit to import must be obtained and
presented to AQIS prior to export.
Permits obtainable only from:
State General Administration of the People's Republic of China
For Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)
9 Madiandonglu
Haidian District
Beijing 100088 CHINA
Tel: 86-10-82262008
Fax: 86-10-82260156
A pet dog is exempt from the requirement to obtain an import permit if it is accompanying the owner (i.e. on the same flight). If a dog is not accompanied by a human traveller, it will be considered a commercial consignment and require an import permit and the tests/treatments as that for commercial consignments. However, AQSIQ has advised that only ONE (1) pet (this may be either a dog or a cat, not both) can accompany each human traveller. If the human traveller has more than one pet, the pets are treated the same as a commercial consignment and therefore require an import permit.
The establishments of export dogs shall meet the following
a) there have been no clinical signs of rabies or Aujeszky's
disease for the past 5 years
b) there have been no clinical signs of canine distemper,
infectious hepatitis or canine parvovirus infections for
the past 12 months
c) there have been no diagnosed cases of canine rotavirus or
canine coronavirus infections for the past 3 months.
1. The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) shall be
responsible for the implementation of quarantine procedures
and the issuance of the export health certificates.
2. AQIS can commence the quarantine preparation of animals for
export to China after receiving the relevant import permit
from the Chinese authority.
3. The Chinese side shall send veterinarians to the farm of
export dogs, related isolation premises and testing
laboratories to cooperate with AQIS veterinarian in carrying
out the inspection and quarantine.
4. The Australian side should notify the Chinese side of the
proposed dates of commencement of the qualifying procedures as
soon as possible in advance. The qualifying procedures will
not be changed if the Chinese veterinarians do not present
themselves at the prescribed time.
5. The dog/s shall be held at an AQIS approved isolation premises
for 30 days prior to export. The facilities shall not only have ordinary
animal rearing conditions, but also have the functions of preventing the
entry of animal infectious diseases and preventing the infection of isolated
animals, so as to ensure that animals are safe during quarantine period,
ensure that the results can correctly reflect animal health conditions, and
ensure that animals are under the official supervision of the authorities
of the exporting country. During this period the animals will be individually
examined and found healthy by official veterinarians of AQIS.
6. Only dogs older than 8 weeks are to be exported.
NB: For dogs under 12 weeks of age the following additional
conditions apply:
. For puppies under 12 weeks of age at the time of export,
the puppies must have been vaccinated at no less than
6 weeks of age against canine parvovirus (as required
in these conditions) using one of the Protech range of
vaccines produced by Cyanamid Websters which protects
against canine parvovirus. (Only the Protech range
allow puppies to develop active immunity in the
presence of maternal anitbody)
. Additionally, for puppies under 12 weeks of age at the
time of export, the puppies must have been vaccinated
at no less than 6 weeks of age using measles vaccine
in addition to distemper vaccine.
. For puppies under 12 weeks of age at the time of export
which are vaccinated as described above, the vaccination
certificate must indicate the date by which booster
vaccination should be given. This date must be between
2 and 4 weeks after the date of export vaccinations.
. To provide certifying officers with confidence that the
puppies presented for export match the vaccination
certificates which accompany those puppies, all
puppies under 12 weeks of age at the time of export
must be accompanied by a Statutory Declaration confirming
that the puppies presented for export are the puppies
referred to in the vaccination certificates presented
with those puppies.
7. The export dogs shall receive the following vaccinations
between 14 and 30 days prior to export:
(a) distemper/hepatitis/parvovirvs at not less than 6 weeks of
(b) rabies (dogs aged 3 months and over)
(c) All vaccination certificates must identify:
- the name and address of the practice
- the name of the attending veterinarian
- the name of the owner of the animal
- description of the animal including age and microchip number
- the date of vaccination
- the vaccine used including serial and batch number, and
- in the case of vaccination against rabies and/or leptospirosis,
the use by date of the vaccine.
8. Within 30 days prior to export, the dog/s for export shall be
treated with officially approved effective parasiticides
which are licensed for use in Australia for internal parasites
including hydatidosis and external parasites including
ticks, and treated twice with dihydro-streptomycin at an
interval of 14 days at a dose of 25mg/kg bodyweight under
supervision of official veterinarians of AQIS.
1. Only dogs older than 8 weeks are to be exported.
2. The dog shall receive the following vaccinations at least 14 days and
no more than 12 months prior to export:
(a) distemper/hepatitis/parvovirvs at not less than 6 weeks of
(b) rabies (dogs aged 3 months and over)
(c) All vaccination certificates must identify:
- the name and address of the practice
- the name of the attending veterinarian
- the name of the owner of the animal
- description of the animal including age and microchip number
- the date of vaccination
- the vaccine used including serial and batch number, and
- in the case of vaccination against rabies,
the use by date of the vaccine.
(d) Vaccination certificates including international rabies
vaccination certificate must be attached to the AQIS
health certificate, and the documents must accompany
the dog to China.
3. The dog must undergo a veterinary inspection and show no evidence
of infectious or contagious diseases or external parasites.
Transport requirements:
1. All crates, vehicles, cargo spaces in ships and planes and
implements used for the transportation of the dogs shall be
cleaned and disinfected thoroughly with AQIS approved
2. Feeds and bedding to be used during the isolation and the
transportation shall not originate from epizootic disease
affected areas and shall meet veterinary hygienic standards.
3. For commercial consignments:
During the isolation period and during the transportation
from the isolation premises to the port of embarkation and
through to the Chinese port of entry, the dogs shall not pass
through serious epizootic disease (OIE List A) infected areas,
and shall not have contact with animals not of the same
Port of Entry Requirements:
1. The dog/s to be exported shall be clinically examined by an
official veterinarian of AQIS within 24 hours of export and
found to be apparently healthy and free from any sign of
infectious or contagious diseases.
2. The dog/s must be accompanied by an export health certificate
signed by an official veterinarian of AQIS.
3. For commercial consignments:
The export health certificate must contain detailed information
on the clinical diagnosis, health status, dates and results of
tests for each animal, the places and dates of application, names,
dosage and manufacturer for parasiticides and disinfectants, the
dates, names, places of application and manufacturers for vaccines
and be endorsed by an official veterinarian of AQIS.
A general health certificate with attached vaccination certification is sufficient for pet animals travelling to China.
Originating Country: AUSTRALIA
Ministry: Department of Primary Industries and Energy
Issuing Authority: Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
I. Identification of the Animal
Species | Sex | Breed | Age | Marks
| | | or date | and/or
| | | of birth| description
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
II. Origin of the Animal
Owner of the animal:
Name and address_____________________________________________
Place of origin:_____________________________________________
III. Destination of the Animal
Place or places of destination and method of transport: ____
I declare that the details provided in I, II and III
above are true and correct
Signature:_____________________ Date:____/____/____
IV. Sanitary Information
The undersigned Authorised Veterinarian (under the Export
Control Act 1982) certifies that the animal(s) described
above and examined on this day ____/____/____
a) show(s) no clinical sign of infectious or contagious
b) satisfy(ies) the following requirements:
1. The dog(s) is/are 8 weeks old or older.
2. The establishment(s) of export dog(s) meet(s) the
following requirements:
a) there have been no clinical signs of rabies or
Aujeszky's disease for the past 5 years
b) there have been no clinical signs of canine distemper,
infectious hepatitis or canine parvovirus infections
for the past 12 months
c) there have been no diagnosed cases of canine rotavirus
or canine coronavirus infections for the past 3 months
3. The export dog(s) has/have received the following
vaccinations between 14 and 30 days prior to export:
(a) distemper/hepatitis/parvovirvs at not less than 6
weeks of age (insert date and place of vaccination and
details of product used including type of vaccine and
(b) rabies (dogs aged 3 months and over) (insert date and
place of vaccination and details of product used
including type of vaccine and manufacturer)
c) The dog(s) is/are accompanied by vaccination
certificates which include dates of vaccination, types
of vaccines, manufacturers of vaccines and indicate
dates when booster vaccinations are required
4. The dog(s) were held at an AQIS approved isolation
premises for 30 days prior to export. During this period
the animal(s) was/were individually examined and found
healthy by official veterinarians of AQIS.
5. During the 30 days prior to export the dog(s) was/were treated
with officially approved effective parasiticides, which are
licensed for use in Australia, for internal parasites including
hydatidosis, and external parasites including ticks, and treated
twice with dihydro-streptomycin at an interval of 14 days at a
dose of 25 mg/kg bodyweight under supervision of official
veterinarians of AQIS. (insert the places and dates of
application, names, dosage and manufacturer for
parasiticides and dihydro-streptomycin)
6. All crates, vehicles, cargo spaces in ships and planes and
implements used for the transportation of the dog(s) were
cleaned and disinfected thoroughly with AQIS approved
disinfectants. (insert the places and dates of
application, names, dosage and manufacturer for
7. The exported dog(s) was/were clinically examined by an
official veterinarian of AQIS within 24 hours of export
and was/were found to be apparently healthy and free from
any sign of infectious or contagious diseases.
8. Feeds and bedding used during the isolation and to be used
during the transportation did not originate from epizootic
disease affected areas and meet veterinary hygienic
9. During the isolation period and during the transportation
from the isolation premises to the port of embarkation the
dog(s) did not pass through serious epizootic disease
(OIE List A) infected areas, and did not have contact with
animals not of the same consignment.
10. The scheduled transport route to the Chinese port of
entry, will not pass through serious epizootic disease
(OIE List A) infected areas, and the dog(s) will not have
contact with animals not of the same consignment during
Conditions for the importation of pet dogs differ from those for commercial consignments. Please note the permit details and the conditions listed in the Isolation/Test/Vacc/Tx section.
All dogs on arrival in China are required to undergo post arrival quarantine in centres designated by Chinese Authorities.