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Live animals

Cattle embryos


Chile (CL)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements. Additional information to assist exporters with how to prepare reproductive material for export is available on the Department’s website.

Contact the Government of Chile's Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG) website for information about the process required to import animals into Argentina from Australia.


Written advice from SAG of approval for importation of the consignment may be required at export by the Department.

As the importing country requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the importing country’s documentation carefully at the time of preparation for export.

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.​

Health requirements

Health certification

As the importing country requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the importing country’s documentation carefully at the time of preparation for export.

Health certificate


(SANTIAGO, 05 de julio de 1995)

(Import conditions for Bovine Embryos for Export to Chile)

The undersigned Veterinary Official………………………………, declares:

El Veterinario Oficial abajo firmante declara:​

No ________/ VISTOS : Las facultades conferidas por la Ley No 18.755, el artículo 3ro del DFL RRA No 16, de 1963 que, para la internación de animales y productos pecuarios dispone cumplir las exigencias de orden sanitario que se especifique en cada caso; la Ley No 18.164; y la Resolución No 1.164, de 10 de Agosto de 1990, sobre delegación de facultades:

Los embriones de bovinos que se importen al país deben venir premunidos de un certificado sanitario oficial, emitido por la Autoridad Sanitaria Oficial del país de procedencia, en el cual se debe estipular lo siguiente:

The bovine embryos for import into Chile originate from a qualified centre and are accompanied by this Official Sanitary Certificate, endorsed by the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR), which stipulates the following:


    1. 1.1. Lugar de obtención de los embriones
      Place of obtaining of the embryos

    2. 1.2. Nombre y Dirección de la Empresa de Transferencia de Embriones que realiza la colecta de embriones.
      Name and address of the Embryo Transfer Business/Embryo Collection Team Veterinarian that carries out the collection of embryos

    3. 1.3. Identificación del Semen: Identificación del Donador y del Centro de Inseminación Artificial.
      ​Identification of the Semen: Identification of the Donor and of the Centre of Artificial Insemination.

    Please refer to the Attached Schedule of Embryos for Export to Chile

    1. 1.4. Numero de embriones de la partida.
      Number of embryos for export to Chile

    Please refer to the Attached Schedule of Embryos for Export to Chile

    1. 1.5. Fecha en que se efectuó la recolección de embriones.
      Date in which the harvesting of embryos was performed.

    Please refer to the Attached Schedule of Embryos for Export to Chile​

    1. 1.6. Fecha en que se efectuó la recolección del semen utilizado en la fertilización de estos embriones.
      Date in which the harvesting of the semen utilized in the fertilization of these embryos was performed.

    Please refer to the Attached Schedule of Embryos for Export to Chile

    1. 1.7. Grupo sanguíneo de ambos donantes y certificación que a la fecha, no son conocidos portadores de genes deletéreos.
      Blood group of both donors and certification that to the date, are not deleterious genes bearers acquaintances.

    ​ Please refer to the Attached Schedule of Embryos for Export to Chile


    1. 2.1. El país exportador está declarado libre de Fiebre Aftosa, Peste Bovina, Pleuroneumonía Contagiosa Bovina, Dermatosis Nodular Contagiosa, Encefalopatía Espongiforme Bovina, Estomatitis Vesicular y Enfermedad del Valle de Rift, ante la Oficina Internacional de Epizootias.
      The exporting country is Officially Free of Foot and Mouth Disease, Bovine Plague (Rinderpest), Contagious Bovine Pleuroneumonía, Contagious Nodular Dermatosis, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Vesicular Stomatitis and Rift Valley Fever, according to the Internacional Office of Epizootias (OIE).

    2. 2.2. ​​La EEB es una enfermedad de denuncia obligatoria; se encuentra vigente la prohibicion de alimentacion de lost animals con protei nas de origen de ruminante y que ileva a caba un programa efectivo de vigilancia y monitoreo para esta enfermedad
      BSE is a disease that is obligatorily reported, and there is an effective surveillance and monitoring programme for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies currently in place. There is an enforced ban on the feeding of animal tissue to ruminants in Australia (in accordance with OIE International Animal Health Code recommendations)


    1. 3.1. El semen usado para producción de embriones debe proceder de partidas que cumplan con los requisitos sanitarios exigidos por Chile para la importación de semen.
      The semen used for production of embryos complies with the sanitary requirements of Chile for the importing of semen.


    1. 4.1. Ha nacido o ha permanecido ininterrumpidamente en el país, a lo menos, 6 meses antes de la recolección de embriones con destino a Chile.
      Was born or has remained continuously in the country for no less than 6 months before the collection of embryos for export to Chile

    2. 4.2. Ha sido inspeccionada el día de la recolección encontrándose libre de evidencias de enfermedades infectocontagiosas que pueden ser transmitidas por la transferencia de embriones.
      Was inspected on the day of embryo collection and found free from evidence of infectious illnesses known to be transmitted by embryo transfer.

    3. 4.3. El predio de origen de la donante está oficialmente libre de brucelosis y tuberculosis.
      The property of origin of the embryo donor/s is Officially Free of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis.

    4. 4.4. En el predio de origen, no se han presentado evidencias clínicas de enfermedades infectocontagiosas, en lo últimos 90 días previos a la recolección, ni se encuentra bajo cuarentena de control de enfermedades animales transmisibles.
      At the property of origin of the donor/s, there has been no clinical evidence of infectious illnesses in the 90 prior days to embryo collection, nor is the property under quarantine restrictions for any such illnesses.


    1. 5.1. Los embriones fueron recolectados y procesados por el Equipo de Recolección identificado en el punto 1.2, el cual ha sido aprobado oficialmente está sujeto a supervisión oficial por parte de las autoridades veterinarias al menos 2 veces al año.
      The embryos were collected and processed by the Embryo Team Veterinarian identified in point 1.2, who has been Officially Approved and subject to Official Supervision by the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAWR) at least twice per year.

    2. 5.2. El grupo de recolección no ha operado durante el proceso en zonas infectadas con las enfermedades que constan en la lista A de la O.I.E.
      The Embryo Collection Team Veterinarian/Premises are not located in an area or zone infected by the diseases of List A of the O.I.E.

    3. 5.3. El proceso de obtención, procesamiento, almacenaje y transporte de los embriones, se realizó de acuerdo a los procedimientos aprobados por la IETS y la OIE.
      The process of obtaining, processing, storage and transportation of the embryos, was carried out according to the procedures approved by the IETS and the OIE.

    4. 5.4. Los embriones fueron lavados, en grupos de a 10 o menos, con 10 cambios de medio. Se usó una micropipeta nueva esterilizada para transferir los embriones entre lavados y cada uno de estos constituyó al menos una dilución 1/100 del medio de lavado anterior.
      The embryos were washed in groups from to 10 or less, with 10 changes of middle. A micropipeta was used new sterilized to transfer the embryos between washes and each one of these constituted al except a dilution 1/100 of the middle of previous wash.

    5. 5.5 Sólo los embriones de una misma donante se lavaron juntos.
      The embryos of only one donor are washed at one time.

    6. 5.6. Los embriones se sometieron además a tratamiento con tripsina, de acuerdo al manual de procedimientos de la IETS.
      The embryos were also processed with Trypsin, in accordance with the Manual of the IETS

    7. 5.7. Previo cualquier procedimiento de micromanipulación o de congelación, los embriones se examinaron en toda su superficie con microscopio, con un aumento mínimo de 50X, para garantizar que la zona pelúcida está intacta y libre de todo material adhesivo.
      Prior to the freezing of the embryos they were examined over their entire surface by microscope, with minimum magnification of 50X, to guarantee that the zone pelúcida is intact and free of any adhesive material

    8. 5.8. Los embriones se colocaron en pajuelas, las que se marcaron con la raza y la identificación de ambos donantes, la fecha de recolección y la identificación del equipo recolector de los embriones.
      The embryos were placed in straws marked with the breed, the identification of both donors, the date of embryo collection and the identification of the Embryo Team Veterinarian.

    1. 6.1. Los embriones se almacenaron en un lugar seguro, aprobado para este fin por la autoridad sanitaria competente, bajo la supervisión del médico veterinario especialista en transferencia de embriones, acreditado para exportar embriones por la autoridad sanitaria, quien es responsable del cumplimiento de todas las operaciones y certificaciones contempladas en estas exigencias sanitarias.
      The embryos have been stored in a location approved for that purpose by The Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, under the supervision of the Embryo Team Veterinarian who is responsible for compliance with all the operations and certifications contained within this Certificate.

    2. 6.2. Mientras los embriones para exportación a Chile son manipulados y hasta después del almacenamiento, no se ha procesado embriones con estado de salud diferente a estos requisitos sanitarios.
      The embryos for export to Chile have been maintained and stored without coming into contact with embryos of different health to these sanitary requirements.

    3. 6.3. El contenedor de embarque es nuevo o ha sido limpiado y desinfectado en forma aprobada y se ha usado sólo nitrógeno liquido de primer uso.
      ​ The shipping container is new or has been cleaned and disinfected with an approved Disinfectant. It has been filled with fresh, unused liquid nitrogen.

      ​ Australian Government Seal Number: xxxxxx


TLG Export Ref:
Embryo Collection & AI Centre:
No. EmbryosCollection DateDonor NameSire Name & Batch DateBreedDonor DNA Case No.Sire DNA/Blood Case No.​


​Special conditions

Please note that all facilities that wish to collect embryos for export to Chile must be inspected and approved Chilean (SAG) government veterinary officers. These visits are conducted at the expense of the party wishing to obtain SAG approval, and can take considerable time to organise. Embryos are not permitted for importation if collected prior to the centre obtaining SAG approval (and this applies also to semen used in preparation of the embryo consignment). You are strongly advised to take this into consideration when planning a consignment. Please contact the Department for further information.


Bluetongue, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia, Foot and Mouth Disease, Lumpy Skin Disease, Rift Valley Fever, Rinderpest and Vesicular Stomatitis


Anaplasmosis, Anthrax, Babesiosis, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, Bovine Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, Dermatophilosis, Echinococcosis / Hydatidosis, Enzootic Bovine Leukosis, Genital Campylobacteriosis, Heartwater, Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis / Infectious Pustular Vulvovaginitis, Leptospirosis, Malignant Catarrhal Fever, Nairobi Sheep Disease, Paratuberculosis, Pseudorabies, Q-Fever, Rabies, Screwworm, Theileriosis, Trichomoniasis, Trypanosomiasis, Tuberculosis, Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia).

Pre-export preparations

Semen used to fertilise the ova must be derived from and conform to the current import conditions for bovine semen to Chile.

Product processing

  1. The embryos must be selected and processed by a collection team which is officially approved and undergoes official supervision by veterinary authorities at least twice a year.

  2. The selected group has not operated during the procedure in areas infected with the diseases described in List A of the OIE.

  3. The processes of securing, processing, storage and transportation the embryos must be carried out in accordance with the procedures approved by IETS and OIE.

  4. The embryos must be washed in groups of 10 or less, with 10 changes of medium. A fresh sterilized micro-tube must be used to transfer the embryos between washes and each one of them constituted a dilution of at least 1/100 of the previous washing medium.

  5. Only the embryos of the same donor may be washed together.

  6. The embryos must further undergo treatment with trypsin in accordance with the IETS procedural manual.

  7. Prior to any micromanipulation or freezing procedure, the entire surface of the embryos must be examined with a microscope of a minimum magnification of 50x in order to guarantee that the zona pellucida is intact and free of any adhesive material.

  8. The embryos must be placed in straws or ampoules, identified with the breed
    and identification of the two donors, the collection date, and the identification of the embryo collection team.

Transport requirements

  1. The embryos must be stored in a safe place approved for these means by the appropriate health authority, under the supervision of the veterinary
    surgeon specialized in embryo transference accredited by the health authority to export embryos, who is responsible for the completion of all operations and certifications taken into account in these health requirements.

  2. While the embryos to be exported to Chile are manipulated until after storage, there must be no processing of embryos of a state of health different to these health requirements.

  3. The shipping container must be new or must have been cleaned and disinfected in the appropriate way, and only virgin liquid nitrogen must be used.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on a permit issued in 2017.

Entry last reviewed 6 July 2022.

Latest updates

22/03/2023 - Extensive changes were made to all sections of this entry.
Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:39 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:43 PM