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Live animals



Andorra (AD)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

Andorra is not a member country of the European Union (EU) but has harmonised the import conditions for dogs with the EU. Refer to the Micor entry for European Union - Dogs.

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

As required by the importing country.

Other requirements

Transport requirements

The importing country may have specific transport requirements and you should check this.

Return to Australia

If your animal is returning to Australia, you should make yourself familiar with the Department’s requirements for importing live animals into Australia. This is important as your animal may have been exposed to diseases that do not occur in Australia.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on European Commission website and information.

Entry last reviewed 30 June 2021.

Latest updates

Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:36 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:41 PM