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Indonesia (ID)

Scientific Name:

Malus domestica



End Use:


NPPO Details:

Center for Plant Quarantine and Biosafety, Indonesia Agricultural Quarantine Agency

Relevant Web Addresses:

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Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit No
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement Yes
Protocol Market No

General Requirements

​Consignments are to be free from pests, soil, weed seeds and extraneous material.

As of the 1 August 2018 the Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency (IAQA), Ministry of Agriculture Republic of Indonesia, has suspended their recognition of both the state of Tasmania and the Riverland District of South Australia fruit fly pest free areas (PFA).

Additional declaration/endorsement is required only for consignments subjected to cold treatment (onshore or in-transit). Additional declarations are not required for other treatments.

It is a criminal offence under the Criminal Code Act 1995 to knowingly give false or misleading information to a Commonwealth officer exercising powers under Commonwealth law. This offence carries a potential penalty of 12 months' imprisonment.​

Explanation of the endorsements

Endorsement 2784:

Applies to fruit subject to in-transit cold treatment.

Endorsement 1458:

Applies to fruit cold treated onshore.


The importation of fruit originating from production areas in Tasmania, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory that are not free from Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni), Jarvis fly (Bactrocera jarv​is) or Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) must be treated prior to arrival in Indonesia.
The exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the treatment and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

​Details of treatment to be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate in the treatment section.

Cold Treatment:

Cold treatment is to be performed either in Australia prior to loading (onshore) or in-transit prior to arrival in Indonesia.
Cold treatment must apply the following treatment schedule:
  • at or below 2 degrees Celsius for 16 days;


  • at or below 3 degrees Celsius for 20 days.
In-Transit Cold Treatment:

Fruit intended for in-transit cold treatment must be pre-cooled to, or below, the target treatment temperature before loading. The temperature of fruit from five randomly selected pallets will be taken by an authorised officer approved by the department to verify that the fruit pulp temperature is at or below the treatment temperature. If the fruit pulp temperature in any pallet is above​ the treatment temperature, the fruit will need to be pre-cooled further before loading.
For in-transit cold treatment, exporters should use one of the two options below:

One fruit pulp sensor:

A single fruit pulp temperature sensor is to be placed approximately halfway between the top and bottom of the stack near the container door. The recorder part of the sensor must be clearly visible and accessible on opening the container door.


Three fruit pulp sensors:
  • One sensor placed at the top of the stack of fruit nearest to the air return intake
  • The second sensor placed in the middle of the container approximately halfway between the top and bottom of the stack
  • The third sensor placed approximately halfway between the top and bottom of the stack near the container door.
The placement of the fruit pulp temperature sensor/s must take place under the supervision of an authorised officer approved by the department. The tip of the sensor must be inserted well into the fruit but not extend through the fruit. 
The treatment must be conducted over consecutive days and completed prior to arrival in Indonesia. The treatment can be undertaken from the time of loading to arrival at the port of entry. The treatment commences once the required temperature has been established.
By seeking endorsement of in-transit cold treatment the exporter is required to ensure compliant in-transit cold treatment temperature records are downloaded by a representative of the shipping company or importer on arrival in Indonesia, and the records provided to an Indonesian Agricultural Quarantine Agency (IAQA) officer at the port of entry. Failure to do so constitutes a breach of the endorsement.
Onshore Cold Treatment:

Onshore cold treatment must be performed at the same rates as those required for in-transit cold treatment. 
The Exporter is to provide to the Authorised Officer, at the time of inspection, a printout of data downloaded from temperature monitors as evidence attesting to onshore cold treatment.​

  • Fumigation with Methyl bromide: 64 grm/m3 at 21 degrees Celsius for 4 hours.

  • Irradiated at a minimum of 150 gray. 
Vapour Heat Treatment:

  • Vapour heat treatment (VHT): 44 degrees Celsius for 6 hours.

Treatment certification:

For RFPs for in-transit cold treatment only, select the treatment code ‘COLD’ and insert the following text ‘with 2-3 C for 16-20 days’ in the details section. The date to be entered into the Start and End Date fields (same date into both fields) is the date the probes are placed into the fruit.

Additional Declaration/Endorsements

Option 1 (EXDOC Endorsement 2784)
1) The product is treated by cold treatment during shipment (in-transit cold treatment) with temperature record as in attachment.

Option 2 (EXDOC Endorsement 1458)
1) The produce has been subjected to cold treatment prior to shipping.​​


Clarified NPPO import conditions dated 30 July 2018

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