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China (CN)

Scientific Name:

Prunus avium



End Use:


NPPO Details:

General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC)

Relevant Web Addresses:

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Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit Refer below
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement Yes
Protocol Market Yes

General Requirements

This is a protocol market, workplans are available through Micor Plants in the 'Documents' section. Access is restricted and requires a logon.

Growers/orchards, packhouses and treatment facilities must be accredited for China. Only fruit sourced, packed and/or treated from an accredited property will be certified.

​Consignments are to be free from pests, soil, weed seeds and extraneous material.

A 600 piece sample rate is to be applied per consignment.
An import permit is not required to be sighted at either inspection or issuance of export certification BUT is required by China on arrival.

If the import permit is not available the Phytosanitary certificate is to be issued with the import permit section completed as NOT SUPPLIED.

If an import permit is provided in which the conditions vary from the protocol, please refer to the Horticulture Exports Program in Canberra before any further export activity is undertaken.
​​​​Explanation of fruit fly pest free areas (PFAs)

The General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) recognises all states and territories of Australia, except Western Australia, as being free of Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata).

GACC recognises the following areas as being free from both Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) and Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata):

  • ​​​The state of Tasmania
Explanation of the endorsements​:

Endorsement 1729:

  • Applies to consignments that originate from Tasmania.
Endorsement 2465:
  • Applies to consignments that have been subject to fumigation or onshore cold treatment.
Endorsement 2466 and 2467:
  • Applies to consignments that originate from Western Australia that will be subject to in-transit cold treatment. 
Endorsement 1782: 
  • Applies to consignments that originate from all states outside of Western Australia and Tasmania that will be subject to in-transit cold treatment.
The export-approved packhouse number must be ente​red into the "Shipping marks" section of the EXDOC Request for Permit (RFP) and in the example format of PACKHOUSE NO: XXXX


Fruit sourced from outside Tasmania must undergo cold disinfestation treatment OR fumigation
Requirements for cold disinfestation treatment (onshore or in-transit)
Cold treatment schedules:
Fruit sourced from Western Australia subject to cold disinfestation treatment:​
  • ​​1 degree Celsius, or below, for 16 days or more;
  • 2.1 degrees Celsius, or below, for 21 days or more.
 Fruit sourced from all other states and territories of Australia (except Western Australia or Tasmania) subject to cold disinfestation treatment:
  • 1 degree Celsius, or below, for 16 days or more; 
  • 2.1 degrees Celsius, or below, for 21 days or more;
  • 3 degrees Celsius or below for 18 days or more.
In-transit cold disinfestation treatment:
Prior to initiating treatment, cherries must be cooled to 4 degrees or below.
If the consignment is subjected to in-transit cold disinfestation treatment, the original copy of the certificate of calibration must accompany the phytosanitary certificate.
Onshore cold disinfestation treatment:​
Onshore cold treatment facilities must be registered establishments and accredited by the department. Fruit must pass inspection prior to the commencement of onshore cold treatment.
If the consignment is subjected to onshore cold disinfestation treatment, the treatment temperature and period (number of consecutive days) must be provided in the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate.
The name and number of the registered establishment where onshore cold treatment was conducted must be entered in the "Lot number" field of the EXDOC request for permit (RFP) and be in the example format of TREATMENT AT REGISTERED ESTABLISHMENT NAME / NUMBER. For example, TREATMENT AT ABC FREIGHT / 9999.
  • The onshore cold treatment temperature data (report) must be endorsed by the Authorised Officer (with the appropriate job function) to confirm that the treatment has been successful.
  • For onshore cold treatment the exporter is responsible to ensure that each consignment is accompanied with the onshore cold treatment data and onshore cold treatment calibration and re-calibration record/certificate as required by the protocol.
 ​Requirements for methyl bromide fumigation:
Fumigation facilities must be registered establishments and be accredited by the department.
Methyl bromide fumigation rate at:
  • 40 grm/m3 for 2 hours at a pulp temperature of 17.2 degrees Celsius or above at no more than 21% chamber load.
Treatment details must be provided in the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate. The treatment is to be shown on the phytosanitary certificate as​:
The name and number of the registered establishment where the fumigation treatment was conducted must be entered in the "Lot number" field of the EXDOC request for permit (RFP) and be in the example format of TREATMENT AT REGISTERED ESTABLISHMENT NAME / NUMBER. For example, TREATMENT AT ABC FREIGHT / 9999.​

Additional Declaration/Endorsements

Option 1 (EXDOC Endorsement 1729)
1) This consignment of cherries complies with the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Fresh Cherry Fruit from Australia to China, and is free of any pests of quarantine concern to China.
2) The fruit in this consignment originates from Tasmania.​

Option 2 (EXDOC Endorsement 2465)
1) This consignment of cherries complies with the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Fresh Cherry Fruit from Australia to China, and is free of any pests of quarantine concern to China.

Option 3 (EXDOC Endorsement 2466)
1) This consignment of cherries complies with the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Fresh Cherry Fruit from Australia to China, and is free of any pests of quarantine concern to China,
2) The consignment is subject to in-transit cold disinfestation for 1 degree celsius, or below, for 16 days or more.

Option 4 (EXDOC Endorsement 2467)
1) This consignment of cherries complies with the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Fresh Cherry Fruit from Australia to China, and is free of any pests of quarantine concern to China,
2) The consignment is subject to in-transit cold disinfestation for 2.1 degrees celsius, or below, for 21 days or more.

Option 5 (EXDOC Endorsement 1782)
1) This consignment of cherries complies with the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Fresh Cherry Fruit from Australia to China, and is free of any pests of quarantine concern to China,
2) The consignment is subject to in-transit cold disinfestation for 3 degrees celsius, or below, for 18 days or more.​


NPPO letter dated 29 December 2018​​

Latest updates

29/01/2025 - Treatment section - Updated lot number requirements
28/11/2024 - Treatment section - Updated requirements for methyl bromide.
30/11/2023 - Updated general requirements to remove restriction for Northern Tasmania.
20/12/2021 - Treatment section - Updated to clarify onshore cold treatment certifying requirements.
25/05/2021 - General requirements - Updated formatting.


Initial Uploaded: 29/07/2014
Reviewed Uploaded: 29/01/2025