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Live animals



Vanuatu (VU)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

An import permit is required.

Contact the Department of Biosecurity Vanuatu for information regarding the importation of fish into Vanuatu from Australia.


Refer to this and the Department’s websites for current information about exporting animals (including any suspensions).

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

Health certificate

I, Dr ………………………………, a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that:

  1. The fish in this consignment have been exported from a facility approved by the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, for the purposes of export, where the fish are subject to health inspections by an official inspector, and where systems are in place to avoid contact with other fish or wastewater from fish of a different health status.
  2. For any fish in this consignment that were imported into Australia, the fish were legally imported in accordance with Australian import health standards for freshwater ornamental fish.
  3. The fish in the consignment were not subject to quarantine restrictions in Australia at the time of export and were inspected by an official inspector within 72 hours of export and found to be free of any signs of contagious or infectious disease.
  4. The fish are consigned direct from Australia to Vanuatu in new and/or clean sealed containers.

Special conditions

Permission to move aquatic animals out of Australia

You may need permission under wildlife trade laws to move aquatic animals out of Australia. Refer to the Department's International and wildlife trade requirements.


Export from Australia of Australian native hatchery bred fingerlings or ova should be accompanied by approval of the hatchery facility from the appropriate State or Federal authority. Please check the Department's Exporting fish and fish products from Australia for information about exports for human consumption.

Other requirements

Transport requirements

The importing country may have specific transport requirements and you should check this.

Pre and post arrival quarantine requirements

The importing country may have specific pre and post arrival quarantine requirements and you should check this.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on health conditions negotiated and agreed in May 2022 and importing country website and information.

Entry last reviewed 26 May 2022.

Latest updates

06/10/2022 - Health requirements updated.
Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:52 AMCreated: 5/05/2016 2:49 PM