Russian Federation (RU)
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Importing country requirements
It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.
Contact the
Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) for information about the requirements for importing animals into the Russian Federation from Australia.
- Email
Refer to this and the Department's websites for current information about exporting animals (including any suspensions).
- Note:
- Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
Health requirements
The health certificate must be in both English and Russian. Contact the relevant
Departmental regional office to obtain the dual-language health certificate template.
A sample agreed
Veterinary certificate for breeding, usage and sport horses exported to the Russian Federation from Australia is available on the FSVPS website for reference. Prospective exporters of horses to the Russian Federation must seek written confirmation of the import health conditions from the importing country authority at the time of application.
Health certificate
for breeding, usage and sport horses exported to the Russian Federation
Means of transport
(Flight number)
| Competent Authority |
Country of transit
| Organisation issuing this certificate |
2. Identification of animals
| Species | Sex | Age | Breed | Identification | Brand | Name |
| | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
A complementary inventory accompanies this certificate if more than 5 animals shipped, signed by the certifying veterinarian
3. Origin of the animals
3.2 Administrative unit of the exporting country: Commonwealth of Australia
3.3 Place of origin (since birth or not less than 6 months)
3.4 Place and date of quarantine
4. Health Information
I __________________________ the undersigned AQIS Veterinary Officer certify, in relation to the animal/s described in this certificate, that:
The horses consigned with this certificate were inspected within 24 hours of export and showed no clinical signs of contagious disease, and are fit for travel. They were bred and raised in or resident in Australia for not less than 6 months. They have not been vaccinated against Eastern, Western or Venezuelan encephalomyelitis, West Nile fever or African horse sickness. After due enquiry no female was found to be more than 3 months pregnant at the time of export.
- - Australia has been free of eastern, western and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis, West Nile fever and African horse sickness during the last three years.
- - Australia has been free of glanders during the last two years.
- - Australia has been free of foot and mouth disease, vesicular stomatitis, equine influenza, dourine, surra, piroplasmosis and contagious equine metritis during the last twelve months.
- - The premises of origin of the exported horses has had no reported cases of equine rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1, abortogenic and neurological strains), equine infectious anaemia and equine viral arteritis during the last three months.
- - The premises of origin of the horses has had no reported cases of anthrax during the last 20 days prior to export.
After due enquiry, I certify that:
- - Horses at the premises of origin showed no clinical signs of leptospirosis or horse pox during the last three months.
4.2 After due enquiry, I certify that the horses have not been subjected to the exposure of natural or synthetic oestrogenic hormonal substances and
thyrostatics during the three months prior to export.
4.3 The
exported horses were kept for 21 days in quarantine under the supervision of the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service and the representative of the Government Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation. They were healthy during this period and had no contact with other horses. Samples from the horses were tested in NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) accredited laboratories as listed below with negative results. Diseases for which Australia declares country freedom are listed.
- - glanders (country freedom - testing not required)
- - dourine (country freedom - testing not required)
- - surra (Trypanosoma evansi) (country freedom - testing not required)
- - piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi, Theileria equi) (country freedom - testing not required)
- - equine rhinopneumonitis - vaccine: ____________ date: _________
- - contagious equine metritis (country freedom - testing not required)
- - equine infectious anaemia: Coggins (AGID) test - date: _______
- - equine viral arteritis: serum neutralisation test (SNT) - date: ________
- - vesicular stomatitis (country freedom - testing not required)
4.4 Before shipment the horses were subjected to the following treatments:
- - vaccination against equine influenza using killed vaccine: vaccine: ____________ date: ___________
- - anthelmintic: (name of product)_____________ dose: _____________ date: ___________
- - acaricide: (name of product)_____________ dose: _____________ date: ___________
4.5 The vehicles/containers used for the transportation of the horse(s) were cleaned and disinfected prior to loading of the animals using a registered product.
Place: ____________________ Date: _____________ Official Stamp: Signature of Official Veterinarian: ________________________
Name and Position (block letters): _________________________
Other requirements
Transport requirements
The importing country may have specific transport requirements and you should check this.
Pre and post arrival quarantine requirements
The importing country may have specific pre and post arrival quarantine requirements and you should check this.
Basis for Micor entry
Based on a health certificate agreed in 2010. Entry last reviewed 16 September 2021.