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Live animals



Russian Federation (RU)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

Contact the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (FSVPS) for information about the requirements for importing animals into the Russian Federation from Australia.

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

As importing country health requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the import permit and/or the country’s website carefully at the time of preparation for export.

It is the responsibility of the exporter to use the appropriate bilingual health certificate and ensure that this and any accompanying declarations are in English and Russian.

Australian Departmental officers will not endorse health certification for dogs and cats destined to the Russian Federation if only presented in a language other than English.

Refer to the instructions on how to bring a pet to Russia. The bilingual Veterinary certificate for fur animals, rabbits, dogs and cats, imported to the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) from third countries (Form No. 15 (PDF 93 KB)) should be used (certificate current at November 2021).

The vaccination requirements that follow were sourced from the FSVPS website in November 2021:

According to the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) animals must be given the following vaccinations:

Cats – against panleukopenia.

All carnivores must be vaccinated against rabies. It is allowed to import animals vaccinated with a drug that gives protection against rabies for 3 years, upon confirmation by a veterinarian that the immunity maintenance period has not expired, or with laboratory confirmation that the intensity of immunity against rabies is at least 0.5 IU / ml. In other cases, laboratory confirmation of the strength of immunity against rabies is not required.

Form No. 15 includes a requirement:

2.2 During the quarantine the animals were subject to clinical examination. The animals were tested in the laboratory using the OIE recommended methods (please specify the name of the laboratory, date and testing method):

cats – for dermatophytosis.

Dermatophytosis is not an OIE listed disease and there is no OIE recommended method of testing for this disease.

Prospective exporters must seek advice from their registered veterinarian as to laboratory testing options available for dermatophytosis at a local accredited veterinary laboratory. The test chosen must be documented in an official laboratory report produced by the testing laboratory and include the date of testing and the method of testing.

Other requirements

Transport requirements

The importing country may have specific transport requirements and you should check this.

Pre and post arrival quarantine requirements

The importing country may have specific pre and post arrival quarantine requirements and you should check this.

Return to Australia

If your animal is returning to Australia, you should make yourself familiar with the Department’s requirements for importing live animals into Australia. This is important as your animal may have been exposed to diseases that do not occur in Australia.

Basis for Micor entry

Based on importing country website and information.

Entry last reviewed 10 November 2021.

Latest updates

05/10/2022 - Extensive changes were made to all sections of this entry.
Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:28 AMCreated: 15/01/2015 12:33 PM