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Live animals



Fiji (FJ)

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Importing country requirements

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

An import permit is required.

Information about the process required to import animals into Fiji from Australia can be found on the Ministry of Agriculture Biosecurity Authority of Fiji website.


Refer to this and the Department’s websites for current information about exporting animals (including any suspensions).

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.

Health requirements

Health certification

I, Dr _____________________, the undersigned, a duly authorized Government Veterinary Officer certify that:

  1. The queen and escort bees were born and have lived continuously in Australia.
  2. Australia is free from Varroa destructor, Tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi) and Tropilaelaps.
  3. The apiary and all packing and shipping locations are located in a zone, state or territory free from Varroa jacobsoni.
  4. The apiary from which the colonies were sourced was inspected by a government apiary officer within 30 days prior to export and there were no signs of disease including American foulbrood.
  5. The apiary and all packing and shipping locations are located in a zone, state or territory free from small hive beetle (SHB) (Aethina tumida).
  6. The apiary is certified free from European foulbrood (EFB) as follows:
    1. The apiary and all packing and shipping locations are located in a zone, state or territory free from EFB.
    2. The shipment comprises only honey bees without associated brood combs, and,
    3. The premises have been certified for EFB as follows:
      1. Brood in inspected colonies have been visually examined for symptoms of EFB within 30 days prior to export and had no visible clinical evidence of EFB, and
      2. Ten percent (10%) of the colonies or a minimum of 25 bee colonies (whichever is greater) have been randomly selected and examined, and the collection of samples to be sent to a laboratory, no positive results were reported for EFB from each of the queen production and mating apiaries from which queens will be exported and,
      3. At least three (3) brood frames per hive have been inspected, and
      4. The apiaries from which the queen bees were sourced are situated in the center of an area with a radius of 3 kilometres where there has been no outbreak of EFB during the past 30 days.
  7. The apiary is certified free from American foulbrood (AFB) as follows:
    1. The apiary and all packing and shipping locations are located in a zone, state or territory free from AFB.
    2. The shipment comprises only honey bees without associated brood combs, and,
    3. The premises have been certified for AFB as follows:
      1. Brood in inspected colonies have been visually examined for symptoms of AFB within 30 days prior to export and had no visible clinical evidence of AFB, and
      2. Ten percent (10%) of the colonies or a minimum of 25 bee colonies (whichever is greater) have been randomly selected and examined, and the collection of samples to be sent to a laboratory, no positive results were reported for AFB from each of the queen production and mating apiaries from which queens will be exported and,
      3. At least three (3) brood frames per hive have been inspected, and
      4. The apiaries from which the queen bees were sourced are situated in the center of an area with a radius of 3 kilometres where there has been no outbreak of AFB during the past 30 days.
  8. The apiary is certified as clinically free from sacbrood, chalkbrood, nosema and black queen cell virus after inspection by a government apiary officer.
  9. The packing material used for the queen and escort bees is new and free from contamination.

Other requirements

Pre-export preparations

There are particular requirements for packaging the honey bees for export and these need to be declared with the declaration being attached to the health certificate

Basis for Micor entry

Based on importing country website and information. Entry last reviewed 18 May 2021.

Latest updates

17/08/2021 - Extensive changes were made to all sections of this entry.
Last updated: 31/03/2023 12:52 AMCreated: 7/07/2016 10:57 AM