When treatment is required, consignments are to be heat treated at appropriate temperature, humidity and for duration as per standard prescribed procedure.
The name of the fumigation facility should not be included in the phytosanitary certificate, regardless of the text on the import permit.
Consignments must be fumigated with methyl bromide at:
- 32 grm/m3 for 24 hours at 21 degrees Celsius or above;
- 40 grm/m3 for 24 hours at 16-20.9 degrees Celsius;
- 48 grm/m3 for 24 hours at 11-15.9 degrees Celsius;
- 56 grm/m3 for 72 hours at 10-10.9 degrees Celsius;
If a different methyl bromide fumigation schedule is listed on an import permit, please contact the Grain and Seed Exports Program (Grain.Export@agriculture.gov.au).
Consignment must be moist heat treated at:
- 95 degrees Celsius at 50% relative humidity for 24 hours;
- 85 degrees Celsius at 50% relative humidity for 48 hours.
The exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the treatment and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.
Details of treatment to be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate in the treatment section.