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Japan (JP)

Scientific Name:

Vitis vinifera



End Use:


NPPO Details:

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (MAFF)

Relevant Web Addresses:

[expand all]

Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit No
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement Yes
Protocol Market Yes

General Requirements

​Consignments are to be free from pests, soil, weed seeds and extraneous material.

This is a protocol market. Protocols and workplans are available through MICoR Plants in the Documents section. Access is restricted and requires a logon.​

Note: All varieties of Vitis vinifera table grapes are permitted to be exported to Japan under the cold treatment pathway. Hybrids and other crosses outside of Vitis vinifera species​ are prohibited unless expressly allowed by Japan MAFF.​​

Exporters are to seek clarification regarding Vitis vinifers hybrids and crosses from Japan MAFF via their importer. Any official MAFF acceptance correspondence must be provided to the Horticulture Exports Program before pursuing table grape hybrid or cross variety exports.

​Where applicable, the exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the endorsement and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

All table grapes for export to Japan are subject to a 2% inspection.

Explanation of the endorsements​​

Endorsement 1415:

Applies for Intransit treated table grapes.

Endorsement 1420:

Applies for On-Shore treated table grapes.

Note: Fruit being exported by air transport must have the applicable treatment conducted on-shore and be completed prior to the consignment being certified for export. Evidence of treatment must be presented to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection / certification


Cold disinfestation treatment against quarantine fruit flies is mandatory for all permitted varieties of table grapes exported from Australia.

The fruit core temperature must be held at:

  • 1.0 degree celsius or below for 16 days;


  • 2.0 degrees celsius or below for 18 days;


  • 3.0 degrees celsius or below for 20 days

In transit cold treatment requirements

Fruit must be pre-cooled to, or below, the target treatment temperature before loading.

The calibration of the fruit pulp temperature sensors must occur immediately prior to loading and sealing of the container.

Once loaded and sealed the treatment start time occurs when all the fruit pulp temperature sensors are at, or below, the target treatment.

Onshore cold treatment requirements


  • The onshore cold treatment temperature data (report) must be endorsed by the Authorised Officer (with the appropriate job function) to confirm that the treatment has been successful.
  • For onshore cold treatment the exporter is responsible to ensure that each consignment is accompanied with the onshore cold treatment data and onshore cold treatment calibration and re-calibration record/certificate as required by the protocol.
​Details of treatment to be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate in the treatment section.

Additional Declaration/Endorsements

Option 1 (EXDOC Endorsement 1415)
1) The table grapes covered by this certificate are apparently free from Mediterranean fruit fly and Queensland fruit fly,
2) The table grapes are subject to in transit cold disinfestation treatment for Queensland and Mediterranean fruit flies as agreed between MAFF and the Department of Agriculture.

Option 2 (EXDOC Endorsement 1420)
1) The table grapes covered by this certificate are apparently free from Mediterranean fruit fly and Queensland fruit fly.


 NPPO import conditions​

Latest updates

30/07/2024 - Updated general requirements to state varietal restriction has been removed.
05/07/2024 - Removed varietal restrictions.
11/11/2021 - Update to OSCT requirements.

Initial Uploaded: 29/07/2014
Reviewed Uploaded: 31/07/2024