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Indonesia (ID)

Scientific Name:

Allium cepa



End Use:


NPPO Details:

Center for Plant Quarantine and Biosafety, Indonesia Agricultural Quarantine Agency

Relevant Web Addresses:

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Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit No
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement Yes
Protocol Market No

General Requirements

Consignments are to be free from roots, leaves, soil and compost particles.

Onions in the consignments are to be free from decay, rot and/or damaged condition.

​Where applicable, the exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the endorsement and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

​Details of treatment to be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate in the treatment section.

Explanation of endorsements

Endorsement 5564:

For onions sourced from a production area free of brown wheat mite.

Endorsement 5566:

For onions sourced from an area where brown wheat mite is known to occur, treatment required.


Onions sourced from outside of the area free of brown wheat mite must undergo​ irradiation or fumigation​.​
  • Gamma irradiation at a maximum of 70 Gray;


  • Methyl bromide fumigation at 40g/m3 for 2 hours at temperature of 26 - 31 degrees Celsius;


  • Methyl bromide fumigation at 16g/m3 for 2 hours at temperature of 26 - 31 degrees Celsius.

The exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the treatment and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

Additional Declaration/Endorsements

Option 1 (EXDOC Endorsement 5564)
​1) Brown wheat mite are not known to occur in the area of production.
2) A representative sample was inspected and found free from the roots, leaves and soil/compost particles.

Option 2 (EXDOC Endorsement 5566)
1) A representative sample was inspected and found free from the roots, leaves and soil/compost particles.


Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture 2012; Plants quarantine measures for the importation of fresh layered-tubers vegetables into Indonesia 

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Initial Uploaded: 29/07/2014
Reviewed Uploaded: 20/04/2023