3.1 Cage, barn and free-range table eggs
There is no agreed certificate for the import of cage, barn and free-range table eggs into New Zealand. Table eggs are ineligible for export to New Zealand.
3.2 Egg products that are not heat treated
Raw egg products are ineligible for export to New Zealand. Refer to section 3.3 for eligible egg products.
3.3 Egg products that are heat treated
Egg products may be exported to New Zealand provided they are not raw egg products, and they meet all the requirements of
New Zealand's Import Health Standard (IHS) for Egg Products. The IHS is supported by a Guidance document.
Where required under the IHS consignments of prescribed egg products sourced from an export registered establishment must be accompanied by a Veterinary Declaration which endorses an attached manufacturer's declaration.
The Veterinary Declaration is available for download here:
New Zealand Egg Export Documentation (Docx 122 KB). The Declaration details the egg products that are eligible for export to New Zealand.
For more information on the export of egg products to
New Zealand contact the department
at ExportStandards@aff.gov.au.
The manufacturer's declaration requires the following information to be provided:
- Importer (client) details
- Name and address of manufacturer
- Identifiers (e.g. container/seal number, invoice number)
- Full description of the commodity (including heat treatment applied)
Veterinary Declaration
I, the undersigned, a duly qualified veterinarian in the employ of the Australian Government, have no reason to doubt the truth of the attached declaration, and certify that in regard to the egg products in this consignment (described at Attachment 1):
- The eggs used in the manufacture of the egg products:
- are of Australian origin and
- if the egg product is pasteurised liquid egg albumen:
- the eggs were situated within a zone that was free of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as described in the OIE Code and has been heat treated at 55°C for at least 9.5 minutes, OR
- the eggs were situated in a HPAI zone as described in the OIE Code and the product has been subjected to one the following heat treatments:
- 55.6°C for at least 870 seconds (14.5 minutes) or
- 56.7°C for at least 232 seconds (3.9 minutes)
- if the products are shelf-stable spray-dried egg albumen powder/crystal
- the eggs were situated within a zone that was free of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as described in the OIE Code and heat treated at 54.4°C for no less than 7 days, OR
- the eggs were situated in a HPAI zone as described by the OIE Code and the product has been subjected to one of the following heat treatments:
- 54.4°C for at least 21.38 days or
- 60°C for at least 10 days or
- 67°C for at least 0.83 days
The eggs used to manufacture the product have originated from flocks in Australia where no clinical cases of Angara disease (caused by FAdV-4) have been confirmed in the last 12 months.
The premises of origin of the egg products are licensed for the processing of foods for human consumption.
Manufacturer's Declaration
I …………… the quality manager, or equivalent, of the manufacturing premises declare that:
- The shells of the eggs were thoroughly cleaned to ensure all traces of faecal contamination were removed prior to shell cracking.
- The liquid egg products have been subjected to heat treatment consisting of a minimum core temperature of:
- 55°C for a minimum of 9.5 minutes for egg albumen products; or
- 60°C for a minimum of 3.5 minutes for egg yolk products; or
- 64°C for a minimum of 2.5 minutes OR 60°C for a minimum of 3.5 minutes for whole egg products; or
- A time temperature treatment in the following table for liquid egg products with added ingredients:
Liquid egg products | Retention temperature no less than | Minimum holding time |
Fortified whole egg blends (24-38% solids, 2-12% added non-egg ingredients) | 62.2°C | 3.5 min |
61.1°C | 6.2 min |
Salted whole egg (with 2% or more salt added) | 63.3°C | 3.5 min |
62.2°C | 6.2 min |
Sugared whole egg (with 2% or more salt added) OR
whole egg blends (less than 2% added non-egg ingredients)
| 61.1°C | 3.5 min |
60.0°C | 6.2 min |
Sugared yolk (2% or more sugar added) OR
Salted yolk (2-12% salt added)
| 63.3°C | 3.5 min |
62.2°C | 6.2 min |
- If the product is liquid egg albumen/ egg whites:
- the eggs were situated within a zone that was free of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as described in the OIE Code,
OR - the eggs were situated in a HPAI zone as described by the OIE Code and the product has been subjected to one the following heat treatments:
- 55.6°C for at least 870 seconds (14.5 minutes) or
- 56.7°C for at least 232 seconds (3.9 minutes)
- If the product is shelf-stable spray-dried whole egg or egg yolk powder/crystal, the product has been subjected to a heat treatment consisting of a minimum core temperature of 60°C for a minimum of 3.5 minutes.
- If the product is shelf-stable spray-dried egg albumen powder/crystal:
- The eggs were situated within a zone that was free of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) as defined by the OIE Code and the product has been subjected to a heat treatment consisting of a minimum core temperature of 54.4°C for a minimum of 7 days,
- The eggs were situated in a HPAI zone as defined by the OIE and the product has been subjected to one of the following heat treatments:
- 54.4°C for at least 21.38 days OR
- 60°C for at least 10 days OR
- 67°C for at least 0.83 days
- For other products containing from 5% to 100% egg, the product has been subjected to a heat treatment consisting of a minimum core temperature of:
- 60°C for a minimum of 3.5 minutes OR
- 64°C for a minimum of 2.5 minutes OR
- 70°C for a minimum of 2 minutes.
- The products comply with Australia's standards for the hygienic processing of egg products. The egg products have been tested and comply with the microbiological standards of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code, and no evidence of faecal contamination (in the form of coliform organisms) has been found.
- The egg products contain no more than 100mg/kg of eggshell remains, egg membrane and other particles. The eggs did not contain blood.
- The egg products were sealed in tamper-proof packaging as part of the manufacturing process and has remained separated from non-processed product not of equivalent health status.
- During manufacturing quality control measures were in place to prevent contamination of egg products.
3.4 Manufacturing grade products
There is no agreed certificate for the import of manufacturing grade products into New Zealand.
3.5 Consignments under 10kg and trade samples
There is no agreed certificate for the import of consignments under 10kg and trade samples into New Zealand.