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Live animals

Birds pet


Brazil (BR)

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Importing country requirements​​

It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure that the animal meets the importing country requirements.

Contact the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Brazil or the Embassy of Brazil in Canberra​ for information about the process required to import animals to Brazil from Australia.

You should take care to confirm the importing requirements at the time of export of the animal.​​​

Where an importing country issues an import permit, the exporter must ensure the animal meets any requirements in the permit.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply defines “birds as pets” as “birds other than farmed birds of any of the existing orders and species, which are kept in captivity for various reasons and for non-commercial or production purposes in numbers of up to five (5) specimens and which are kept since birth or since at least sixty (60) days prior to their shipment to the Contracting States under the care of their owner at their home of origin. Birds intended for sport, falconry and biological control are excluded.” (Resolution/GMC No. 20/20, Article 8)

Health requirements

As importing country requirements may change without advice to the Department you should check the import permit and/or the country website carefully at the time of preparation for export.

Certifying officers must review the import permit(s), any conditions provided by the exporter and the country website to ensure that the issued document(s) are consistent with the permit(s).

Health certificate
I, Dr ………………………………, a duly authorised government veterinary officer, hereby certify that: /

Eu, Dr. ...................................., oficial veterinário do governo devidamente autorizado, certifico que:

  1. Australia is recognised as being free from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza and Newcastle disease as defined in the WOAH Terrestrial Animal Health Code for at least twenty-one (21) days prior to export. / 1. A Austrália é reconhecida como livre da Influenza Aviária Altamente Patogênica e da doença de Newcastle, conforme definido no Código Sanitário para Animais Terrestres da OMSA, por pelo menos vinte e um (21) dias antes da exportação.

  2. The birds have been kept since hatching, or for at least sixty (60) days prior to export, in the establishment of origin. / 2. As aves foram mantidas desde a eclosão, ou por pelo menos sessenta (60) dias antes da exportação, no estabelecimento de origem.

  3. The birds for export were kept for a minimum of sixty (60) days in pre-export quarantine at the establishment of origin, from [DD/MM/YYYY] and until [DD/MM/YYYY]. The facility is adequately protected against insects. During the pre-export quarantine period, the birds were inspected by a registered veterinarian and were found to be free from clinical evidence of infectious and parasitic diseases. / 3. As aves para exportação foram mantidas por um período mínimo de sessenta (60) dias em quarentena pré-exportação no estabelecimento de origem, a partir de [DD/MM/AAAA] e até [DD/MM/AAAA]. A instalação está adequadamente protegida contra insetos. Durante o período de quarentena pré-exportação, as aves foram inspecionadas por um veterinário registrado e foram consideradas livres de evidências clínicas de doenças infecciosas e parasitárias.

  4. The birds have not been vaccinated against avian influenza. / 4. As aves não foram vacinadas contra a gripe aviária.

  5. For Newcastle disease, either: / 5. Para a doença de Newcastle, ou:

    1. a) the birds have not been vaccinated against Newcastle Disease, / a) as aves não foram vacinadas contra a Doença de Newcastle,

      OR / OU

    2. b) the birds have been vaccinated against Newcastle Disease in accordance with the WOAH manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals. [Strikethrough inapplicable] / b) as aves foram vacinadas contra a Doença de Newcastle de acordo com o manual da OMSA de testes de diagnóstico e vacinas para animais terrestres. [Riscar o que não for aplicável]

      1. Name of vaccination [include live or killed nature of vaccine] / Nome da vacinação [inclua a natureza viva ou morta da vacina]:
      2. Date of vaccination / Nome da vacinação [inclua a natureza viva ou morta da vacina]:
      3. Batch number / Número do lote:
      4. Expiry date / Data de validade:

  6. ​During the pre-export quarantine period, the birds were subject to the following tests with negative results: / 6. Durante o período de quarentena pré-exportação, as aves foram submetidas aos seguintes testes, com resultados negativos:

    1. a) Avian Influenza, either: / a) Influenza Aviária, ou:

      1. - Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), OR / Reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR), OU
      2. - Viral isolation test and agent identification. / Teste de isolamento viral e identificação do agente.

    2. b) Newcastle disease: polymerase chain reaction (PCR). / b) Doença de Newcastle: reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR).
  7. ​During the pre-export isolation period, the birds were treated with an antibiotic deemed effective in treating or preventing avian chlamydiosis (Chlamydophila psittaci) by a registered veterinarian following the doses and indications recommended by the manufacturer. / 7. Durante o período de isolamento pré-exportação, as aves foram tratadas com um antibiótico considerado eficaz no tratamento ou prevenção da clamidiose aviária (Chlamydophila psittaci) por um veterinário registrado, seguindo as doses e indicações recomendadas pelo fabricante.

    1. Product name / Nome do produto:
    2. Active ingredient / Ingrediente ativo:
    3. Dose rate / Dosagem:
    4. Date administered / Data de administração:

  8. At the time of sample collection the birds were free from clinical signs of disease. / 8. No momento da coleta das amostras, as aves não apresentavam sinais clínicos de doença.

  9. During the pre-export isolation period, the birds were treated for external and internal parasites with a registered broad-spectrum product following the doses and indications recommended by the manufacturer. / 9. Durante o período de isolamento pré-exportação, as aves foram tratadas contra parasitas externos e internos com um produto de amplo espectro registrado, seguindo as doses e indicações recomendadas pelo fabricante.

    1. Product name / Nome do produto:
    2. Active ingredient / Ingrediente ativo:
    3. Dose rate / Dosagem:
    4. Date administered / Data da administração:

  10. During the pre-export isolation period the birds did not receive any vaccinations. / 10. Durante o período de isolamento pré-exportação, as aves não receberam nenhuma vacina.

  11. During transport from the pre-export quarantine facility to the port or airport of export, the birds did not come into contact with other birds (including poultry). / 11. Durante o transporte da instalação de quarentena pré-exportação até o porto ou aeroporto de exportação, as aves não entraram em contato com outras aves (inclusive aves domésticas).

  12. The birds have been packed in new, unused cages or the cages have been cleaned and disinfected with an approved product immediately prior to export. The birds have been packed in accordance with IATA requirements for live animal transport. / 12. As aves foram embaladas em gaiolas novas e não utilizadas ou as gaiolas foram limpas e desinfetadas com um produto aprovado imediatamente antes da exportação. As aves foram embaladas de acordo com as exigências da AITA para o transporte de animais vivos.

  13. The birds were examined immediately prior to export and were found to be free from clinical signs of infectious disease, were visibly free of external parasites and are fit to travel. / 13. As aves foram examinadas imediatamente antes da exportação e foram consideradas livres de sinais clínicos de doenças infecciosas, visivelmente livres de parasitas externos e aptas a viajar.​​
Attachment 1 / Anexo 1

Veterinary certificate for the export of captive birds (wild or ornamental) to Brazil / Certificado veterinário para exportação de aves em cativeiro (silvestres ou ornamentais) para o Brasil

Certificate no / Certificado nº:

Exporting Country / País exportador
​Name of veterinary authority / Nome da autoridade veterinária
Importing state party / Estado Parte importador
Import authorisation number / Número da autorização de importação

I – Identification / I – Identificação

Identification (ring/microchip no.) / Identificação (número da anilha/microchip)Species / EspécieColour/other characteristics / Cor/outras característicasAnatomical region where the microchips are located (if applicable) / Região anatômica onde os microchips estão localizados (se aplicável)
Total quantity / Quantidade total:

II – Origin / II – Origem

Name of exporter / Nome do exportador
Breeding Establishment / Estabelecimento de Criação
Means of transport / Meio de transporte
Place of egress / Local de saída
Country of transit (if applicable) / País de trânsito (se aplicável)

III – Destination / III - Destino

Name of importer / Nome do importador
​Establishment of destination / Estabelecimento de destino​

Special conditions​

Permission to move birds out of Australia

You may need permission under wildlife trade laws to move birds out of Australia. Refer to the Department’s International wildlife trade requirements.​ There is specific guidance for non-commercial wildlife trade for public exhibition, scientific research, conservation breeding and personal use.


Basis for Micor entry

Protocol agreed March 2023.

Entry last reviewed 25 July 2023.​

Latest updates

23/08/2023 - Page first published.
Last updated: 23/08/2023 12:36 PMCreated: 22/08/2023 1:50 PM