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Pepitas seed



Fiji (FJ)

Scientific Name:

Cucurbita spp.


Grains / Seeds

End Use:


NPPO Details:

Ministry of Agriculture Biosecurity Authority of Fiji Islands

Relevant Web Addresses:

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Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit Yes
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement Yes
Protocol Market No

General Requirements

​Consignments are to be free from pests, soil, weed seeds and extraneous material.

A copy of the import permit must be presented to an Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

​Consignments are to be packed in clean, new packages/bags not previously used for any purpose.

Exporter is to ensure any packing used is not hay, straw, chaff, or any decomposing material.

Explanation of the endorsement

Endorsement 6889:
  • ​Applies to consignments where the commodity is for human consumption, has complied with department import requirements when imported into Australia and would be allowed to be retailed in Australia.
Endorsement 7746:
  • Visual inspection by the Authorised Officer is sufficient to endorse freedom from Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda).​​​​

​Where applicable, the exporter is to provide evidence attesting to the endorsement and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

A phytosanitary certificate with nil additional declaration is to be issued for seeds of Australian origin or for an import permit that does not state this additional declaration requirement​.


If required by the import permit, consignments must be subjected to some form of high heat process (e.g. hulled, dried, roasted or dehydrated) prior to export. 

The exporter is to provide a packer's declaration or a manufacturer's declaration attesting to the treatment and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection.

If stated in the import permit, details of treatment must be endorsed in the treatment section on the phytosanitary certificate. Details of treatment do not require endorsement in the treatment section of the phytosanitary certificate if it is not stated in the import permit.

Additional Declaration/Endorsements

​​​​​Option 1 (EXDOC Endorsement 6889)
1) The product is for human consumption, not a product of Australia and has fully complied with the department import requirements and standards and is allowed to be retailed in Australia.

Option 2 (EXDOC Endorsement 7746)
1) The consignment was inspected and found free from all life stages of Spodoptera frugiperda (Fall armyworm).


​​​​​​​​Import permit dated 13 September 2021, 1 August 2023 and 13 September 2024. NPPO advice dated 26 February 2024.​

Latest updates

01/11/2024 - Endorsement 7746 added. Explanation of endorsement text updated.
13/09/2023 - Explanation of endorsement text updated.
30/09/2021 - New endorsement 6889 created.

Initial Uploaded: 27/02/2017
Reviewed Uploaded: 01/11/2024