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China (CN)

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NPPO Details:

General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China (GACC)

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Export Criteria

Criteria Criteria Required?
Import Permit No
Phytosanitary Certificate Yes
Additional Declaration/Endorsement No
Protocol Market No

General Requirements


To be able to export logs to China, registered establishments must be on a list approved by General Administration of Customs of China (GACC)​. Registered establishments also must be audited and approved by the Grain and Seed Export Program prior to any export of logs to China. Please contact the Grain and Seed Export Program ( to be listed by GACC and for more information regarding the registration application and audit for exporting logs to China. 

Consignments are to be free from pests, soil, weed seeds and extraneous material.

This Micor Case applies to all logs including sandalwood (Santalum album) logs. Products endorsed as “Sandalwood” and “Sandalwoods blocks” are also subject to these requirements.
  • Logs without an accompanying phytosanitary certificate, and/or logs with bark that have not gone through quarantine treatment, will not be permitted entry into China.
  • Inspection of logs for export to China must be done at a registered establishment approved by the Grain and Seed Exports Program for inspecting logs for export to China​.
  • ​Fumigation of logs must only be performed by a fumigator approved by the Grain and Seed Exports Program for fumigating logs for export to China.
Fumigation must take place at either a registered establishment approved by the Grain and Seed Exports Program for fumigating logs for export to China or in a bulk vessel hold - fumigation in bulk vessel holds require a fumigation plan sent to the Grain and Seed Exports Program, please refer to details in the Treatment section.​

​​​General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) will inspect imported logs, and if quarantine pests are found, quarantine treatment must be conducted by the importer under the supervision of GACC, with the cost of treatment being borne by the importer. If the treatment can not be conducted, the logs will be rejected.

The registered establishment number and fumigator licenc​e number must be entered for all consignments of logs with bark ​in the additional product description​ of the Request for Permit (RFP) as follows:
  • ​"Inspected and packed at establishment [establishment number], fumigated by fumigator(s) [fumigator 1 licence number], [(if applicable) fumigator 2 licence number], [etc.]"
The establishment number listed in this statement must be the establishment listed in the RFP.​ The fumigator licence number(s) must be present on the fumigation certificate and must match.​

Consignments of logs without bark that have not been fumigated must still report the registered establishment number as below:
  • ​"Inspected and packed at establishment [establishment number]"
The establishment number listed in this statement must be the establishment listed in the RFP.

Contact the Grain and Seed Export Program ( for more details in relation to:

  • Inspection of the container prior to loading
  • Inspection of the logs prior to loading
  • Mandatory treatment of logs with bark (pre-shipment)
  • Inspection of logs after treatment
  • Phytosanitary certification​
​The Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control (Wood and Woodchips) Rules 2021, require an export licence issued by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for any exports of two tonnes or more of:

  • woodchips;
  • wood in the round (i.e. logs);
  • wood with a cross-sectional area of at least 225 square centimetres

These are considered 'prescribed goods' under the Export Control (Wood and Woodchips) Rules 2021. 

A licence is not required for the above listed wood and woodchips if:

  • the wood or woodchips are sourced from an area covered by a Regional Forest Agreement (RFA). Details regarding the areas covered by RFAs can be found here:
  • the wood or woodchips are sourced from a plantation in a State with an approved code of practice for the establishment, management and harvesting of all plantations in that State.
If an export licence is required, it is the responsibility of exporters to obtain a licence to export prescribed wood or woodchips prior to export.

Exporters can find information on how to obtain an export licence for prescribed wood or woodchips on the departments website - Exports of unprocessed wood and woodchips (wood export licensing) - DAFF.

Any enquires on what is classed as prescribed wood or woodchips should be directed to:, or call (02) 6272 4353.

The only responsibility authorised officers have in relation to the export licences for unprocessed wood is to inform unprocessed wood exporters of the possible requirement to hold a licence to export unprocessed wood.


All logs with bark require mandatory treatment prior to shipment using one of the below treatment methods.

If logs without bark fail their initial inspection, they are also subject to one of the below treatment methods.

Fumigation of logs must only be performed by a fumigator approved by the Grain and Seed Exports Program for fumigating logs for export to China. Below is a list of approved fumigators - note this is only a list of fumigators who have consented to have their details published, not a complete list. It is the exporter's responsibility to ensure fumigators are approved for treating logs to China. Please contact to verify whether a specific fumigator is approved for treating logs for export to China.​

Note​: Fumigators can only fumigate at establishments that they are specifically approved for. Please contact if you need to verify whether a fumigator can perform fumigations at a specific establishment.

Contact email address​​
​Hidayath Mirza
​Nusrath Ali Khan
​Amanullah Mirza
​Keith Coughlan
Steven Yeats
​Jason Miley
​Greg Bolton
​John Maher​
​Corey Barker
​Phil O'Keeffe
​Isaiah Cusak
​Nabil Kanj
​Sam Hearn
​Toby Sexton
​Ellen Silk​
​Kane Comensoli​

​The fumigation event must take place at either a registered establishment approved by the Grain and Seed E​xports Program for fumigating logs for export to China or in a bulk vessel hold - fumigation in bulk vessel holds require a fumigation plan sent to the Grain and Seed Exports Program, details further below.

Methyl Bromide fumigation at:​

  • 80grm/m3 for a minimum of 24 hours at above 15 degrees Celsius; 


  • 120grm/m3 for a minimum of 24 hours at between 10-15 degrees Celsius. 

Gas concentrations must be monitored and recorded at the start of fumigation, at 2 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours (end of fumigation) (as shown in Table 1) after equilibrium has been achieved to assure that the minimum concentration of methyl bromide is maintained as per "Methyl bromide fumigation methodology, July 2018, Version 2" (

Table 1: Minimum methyl bromide fumigation to be maintained for 24 hours fumigation at 80 grm/m3 and 120 grm/m3​
Temp, ⁰C ​
Exposure, hours ​ ​Dosage, g/m3 ​ ​Observed and targeted concentrations (g/m3) of methyl bromide ​ ​ ​
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Start (equilibrium has established - difference in all the three readings must be within 15%) ​ ​2 hours after fumigation ​ ​ ​16 hours after fumigation ​ ​ ​24 hours (end of fumigation) ​ ​ ​
   26.7   24.0   
Fumigators are to ensure that "All fumigation enclosures are sufficiently gas-tight to retain the required concentration for the duration of the exposure period". If gas concentrations during monitoring are found to be below the target values shown in Table 1, gas must be topped up to ensure the concentrations at any time during the exposure period do not fall below the target value. The monitoring and topped up details must be recorded on the fumigation certificate.

Each fumigation chamber/enclosure must have a minimum of three monitoring lines at the bottom, middle and top of the stack away from the gas injection point. For sheet fumigation, logs must be stacked on a sealed surface and covered with gas proof sheets.


  • Equilibrium is established when the highest concentration reading is within 15% of the lowest concentration reading.
  • Equilibrium can be calculated as: (Highest Reading - Lowest Reading) x 100/Lowest Readings ≤ 15


Sulfuryl Fluoride fumigation at:

  • 104grm/m3 for a minimum of 24 hours at between 5-10 degrees Celsius;


  • 80grm/m3 for a minimum of 24 hours at above ​10 degrees Celsius;


  • At recommended manufacturers requirements (registered label rates).

Gas concentrations of sulfuryl fluoride must be monitored at 2 hours, 16 hours and 24 hours after equilibrium has achieved to assure that the minimum concentration of methyl bromide (Table 2) is maintained as per ISPM 15 requirements.

Table 2: Minimum sulfuryl fluoride concentrations to be maintained for 24 hours fumigation at 80 grm/m3 and 104 grm/m3 

​Temp, ⁰C ​​Exposure, hours ​ ​​Dosage, g/m3 ​ Observed and targeted concentrations (g/m3) of sulfuryl fluoride ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​Start (equilibrium has estalished - difference in all the three readngs must be less than 15% ​​2 hours after fumigation​​16 hours after fumigation ​ ​​24 hours (end of fumigation)​

Heat Treatment at:

  •  71.1 degrees Celsius core temperature for at least 75 minutes.

​Soaking at:

  • ​Immersion in water for at least 90 days.

The exporter is to provide a fumigation certificate endorsing the registered establishment number of the establishment where fumigation took place and present it to the Authorised Officer at the time of inspection/re-inspection.​
​Details of treatment to be endorsed on the phytosanitary certificate in the treatment section.

Fumigation of logs in bulk vessel holds

Note: Fumigators may use the Minor Use Permit for methyl bromide​​ ​obtained by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry to meet the importing countries phytosanitary import requirements.

  • Fumigation must be done at the methyl bromide schedule listed above.
  • Prior to commencement of fumigation, an in-hold fumigation plan must be approved by the Grain and Seed Exports Program. The fumigator/exporter is to provide the Grain and Seed Export Program ( with:
    • Vessel name and IMO, as well as the hold number(s) being used to fumigate logs
    • A draft certificate containing the dosage, temperature and duration in accordance with treatment requirements in Micor/import permit, as well as the vessel name, RFP(s), holds loaded, commodity and its quantity, and signature by a registered fumigator with their contact details.
    • Method of clearing the fumigant from the hold and providing gas-free certification
    • Method of sealing holds during fumigation
    • The re-circulation method and locations of delivery and monitoring lines
  • A reinspection of the logs after fumigation must be done as per the instructional material requirements.

Additional Declaration/Endorsements


NPPO notification dated 1 July 2001 and Australian methyl bromide fumigation methodology, July 2018, Version 2.; NPPO advice dated 30 October 2020, 11 November 2020, 3 December 2020 and 22 December 2020, information from Post 5 June 2023 and ​3 May 2024 and NPPO advice 16 April 2017.​

Latest updates

29/01/2025 - Updated treatment details.
08/11/2024 - Updated general requirements - clarified fumigators must only treat at establishments they are approved for.
29/07/2024 - Updated general requirements - removing the statement: The logs must be described on the phytosanitary certificate as either: Logs - without bark OR Logs - with bark.
26/06/2024 - Updated treatment schedule text - for methyl bromide and sulfuryl fluoride.
05/06/2024 - Added approved fumigators.
07/05/2024 - Updated General Requirements to reflect need for Sandalwood exports to also meet these requirements. Also updated an email address.
09/04/2024 - Added approved fumigators.
05/02/2024 - Updated general requirements to state Consignments of logs without bark that have not been fumigated must still report the registered establishment number.
21/12/2023 - Update to treatments section - clarifying that it is the exporters responsibility to ensure that fumigators are approved for treating logs to China
23/11/2023 - Update to treatment requirements to list approved fumigators.
08/11/2023 - Updated general requirements to state registered establishment number and fumigator licence number must be entered in the additional product description.
06/11/2023 - Updated general requirements to note fumigator licence number must be indicated in the phytosanitary certificate.
26/09/2023 - Updated general requirements to note that the establishment number must be listed in the Lot Numbers section.
08/08/2023 - Updated general requirements to state that registered establishments must be on a GACC approved list to be able to export logs to China.
23/06/2023 - Updated general requirements to clarify that mandatory treatment requirements only apply to logs with bark.
01/06/2023 - Updated general requirements to state the department is finalising the phytosanitary requirements for resumption of log trade to China.
31/05/2023 - Update to treatment type/ treatment requirements.
22/05/2023 - Update to general requirements to note further information required before log trade can resume.
17/03/2021 - Formatted tables 1, 2 and 3
15/03/2021 - Added concentration details for sulfuryl fluoride as table 3.
23/12/2020 - Added information on suspension of logs from NSW and WA.
09/12/2020 - Update to existing treatment details - update to sheet fumigation.

Initial Uploaded: 29/07/2014
Reviewed Uploaded: 29/01/2025