The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (the Department) is the Australian government authority responsible for export registration, inspection and certification of Australian food and agricultural exports.
All premises involved in the production of fish and fish products for export, including fishing vessels where fish is prepared for export must be registered with the Department. For more information or assistance with the export registration process contact the Department's Dairy, Eggs and Fish program at
Exceptions to establishment registration
Preparation of goods at an export registered establishment and an export permit is not required if you are exporting the following as these goods are not prescribed under the Export Control (Fish & Fish products) Rules 2021;
- liquid fish and liquid fish products exported in a consignment of not more than 10 litres;
- dried fish and dried fish products (other than dried abalone) exported in a consignment of not more than 2 kilograms;
- fish products where fish or fish products are not the major component;
- fish or fish products that are animal food or pharmaceutical material;
- fish or fish products not covered by paragraphs (a) to (d) (other than dried abalone) exported in a consignment of not more than 10 kilograms;
- fish or fish products in the form of a tablet or capsule;
- Note
- However, if the Russian Federation requires a government certificate for the entry of the above goods, a certificate can be issued by the Department – provided that the goods have been prepared in an export registered establishment.